丁咚 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [dīngdōng]
丁咚 英文
ding dong
  1. But what are you about ? the squadron cant advance ! roared vaska denisov, viciously showing his white teeth, and spurring his handsome, raven thoroughbred bedouin, which, twitching its ears at the bayonets against which it pricked itself, snorting and shooting froth from its bit, tramped with metallic clang on the boards of the bridge, and seemed ready to leap over the railings, if its rider would let it

    「騎兵連沒法子走過去, 」瓦西卡傑尼索夫惡狠狠地露出潔白的牙,用馬刺刺著那匹好看的烏騅貝杜英,高聲喊道,那匹烏騅碰到刺刀尖,抖動著耳朵,打著響鼻,從馬嚼子上噴出白沫,鈴鐺零地響著,馬蹄子踩著橋板,發出的聲音,假如騎馬的人允許,它似乎準備跨過橋欄桿跳下去。