何上舉 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [shàng]
何上舉 英文
he shangju
  • : 上名詞[語言學] (指上聲) falling-rising tone
  1. Coleman was asked whether there were any women in the party of executive at one fancy restaurant.

  2. S obeyed, and commenced what he called his history, but which consisted only of the account of a voyage to india, and two or three voyages to the levant until he arrived at the recital of his last cruise, with the death of captain leclere, and the receipt of a packet to be delivered by himself to the grand marshal ; his interview with that personage, and his receiving, in place of the packet brought, a letter addressed to a monsieur noirtier - his arrival at marseilles, and interview with his father - his affection for merc

  3. Birth by surrogate mothers, it could turn out to be an issue for anybody, " he told the news conference in tokyo

    在東京行的新聞發布會表示: 「我希望他們能夠討論這一問題。通過代孕母親生產可能會成為任一個人面臨的問題。 」
  4. To add " there are many loopholes in the operation and sales practices of telecommunications service providers, " after " that, as " ; to add " and such complaints from the public are often not followed up effectively by government departments, " after " in recent years, " ; to add " stipulate corresponding penalties " after " to cover pay television, " ; and to add " ; furthermore, as the hong kong housing authority has signed agreements with pay television operators, these operators can enter the buildings to set up and maintain communal aerial systems and can deploy front - line promoters to approach the residents to sell other various commercial services, using the provision of exclusive maintenance and supply services as a selling point and adopting unscrupulous means to entice or mislead the residents into signing an agreement with them, causing great disturbance to the residents ; in this connection, the government must adopt measures to combat such sales malpractices, take the initiative to inform public rental housing tenants of the rights and responsibilities of the operators and, when the operators resort to malpractices or malpractices are reported by residents, take immediate action to investigate the matter and issue warning to and penalize the operators concerned ; the government must also review the problem of inequity in accessing system information by consumers and the telecommunications service providers, whereby consumers have no means or right to obtain true and accurate information about the systems that they are using and can only pay the fees according to the volume, system and time slots of their calls shown on the records provided unilaterally by the service providers, and in case of queries about such information, the decision of the service providers prevails and there is no channel for the consumers to dispute or verify ; to this end, the government should expeditiously study how to ensure that consumers have the rights to know, choose, verify, appeal and claim for compensation in the provision of telecommunications services including pay television, local and cross - boundary telecommunications and internet services " after " in the contracts "

    在"鑒于"之後加"各電訊服務提供者的營運和銷售存在不少漏洞, "在"不斷增加, "之後加"而市民的投訴又往往得不到政府部門的有效跟進處理, "在"收費電視, "之後加"訂定相應的罰則, "及在"標準合約條款"之後加"此外,由於香港房屋委員會與收費電視營辦商簽訂協議,該等營辦商可進入大廈鋪設及維修公共天線系統,並調派前線銷售人員,以獨家提供維修及供應服務作為招徠,向住戶推銷其他各種商業服務,以不當手法誘使或誤導住戶與他們簽約,對居民造成很大困擾就此,政府必須採取措施打擊述違規營銷的手法,並主動告知公屋住戶該等營辦商的權責范圍,遇有營辦商作出違規的行為或居民報營辦商的違規行為時,須立即追查,並向有關營辦商發出警告及作出處分政府亦須檢討現時消費者與電訊服務供應商所獲系統資訊並不對等的問題,即消費者無從及無權得知他們所選用系統的真實資料,令他們只能按服務供應商單方面提供有關通話量通話系統及通話時段的記錄繳交費用,遇有消費者質疑述資料時,往往只由服務供應商作最終決定,消費者無從申辯或查證就此,本會促請政府盡快研究如就各類電訊服務包括收費電視本地及跨境電訊網際網路等的提供,確保消費者享有知情權選擇權覆核權投訴權及索償權" 。
  5. " the kids have been excited about geometry because they ' re doing it on the computer now, " disher said, referring to the students as " the video game generation " and noting that special education students who take algebra i - part ii also are visiting the lab

  6. These were sportsmen, farmers and ex - servicemen, with decent, uncomplicated values, who believed they knew how to look after their land and their workers

  7. Baghdad, may 28 ? the united states and iran held rare, face - to - face talks in baghdad on monday, adhering to an agenda that focused strictly on the war in iraq and on ways the two bitter adversaries could help to improve conditions here

  8. The invent of irrational numbers, calculus, and the found of non - geometry, the prove of fermat theorem. examples like this are uncountable in the history. with the help of it, people will understand better the real process of math creation, which was fixed in our textbook in form of principles, therefore, we can benefit a lot from our ancestors and be very confident of ourselves

    無理量的發現、微積分和非歐幾的創立,乃至費馬大定理的證明, … … ,這樣的例子在數學史不勝枚,它們可以幫助人們了解數學創造的真實過程,而這種過程在通常的教科書中是以定理到定理的形式被包裝起來的。
  9. Professors colin howard, katharina stark and dirk pfeiffer, from the royal veterinary college will also present at the scientific symposium held on 26 - 27 january at cuhks stanley ho centre for emerging infectious disease

    郝高林教授與皇家獸醫學院的katharina stark及dirk pfeiffer教授亦將在一月二十六至二十七日于中大鴻?防治傳染病研究中心行的科學會議發表論文。
  10. On the problem of establishing the non - lifetime position system through a study of the chinese imperial examination system and the western civil - servant system

  11. The chairperson shall chair all meetings of the executive committee and general meetings provided that if the chairperson shall for any reason be absent at any meeting of the executive committee or general meeting, any one of the vice - chairpersons shall be the chairperson of that meeting and further that if at any meeting of the executive committee or general meeting, none of the chairperson and the vice - chairpersons is present, the meeting shall be adjourned

  12. Chapter3. the kekule structures count on swnts and some fullerenes. this chapter introduces the swnt ' s mathematical model and its geometry characters in details

  13. A magnificent specimen of manhood he was truly, augmented obviously by gifts of a high order as compared with the other military supernumerary, that is who was just the usual everyday farewell, my gallant captain kind of an individual in the light dragoons, the 18th hussars to be accurate, and inflammable doubtless the fallen leader, that is, not the other in his own peculiar way which she of course, woman, quickly perceived as highly likely to carve his way to fame, which he almost bid fair to do till the priests and ministers of the gospel as a whole, his erstwhile staunch adherents and his beloved evicted tenants for whom he had done yeoman service in the rural parts of the country by taking up the cudgels on their behalf in a way that exceeded their most sanguine expectations, very effectually cooked his matrimonial goose, thereby heaping coals of fire on his head, much in the same way as the fabled ass s kick

    與另外那個預備役陸軍軍官即輕騎兵,說得確切些,第十八騎兵隊的一員是「再見吧,我豪俠的尉」 219那樣一種極其平庸的類型相形之下,他確實是位男子大丈夫中的傑出楷模,加以稟賦極高,更是相得益彰。毫無疑問,他這里指的是已垮臺的領袖,而不是另外那個人有著獨特的火暴性子,而她作為一個女人,當然一眼就看得出,並認為惟其如此,他才名揚天下。正當大功即將告成之際,全體司鐸牧師220 ,往昔那些堅定可靠的擁護者,以及他所愛護過的被剝奪了土地的佃戶們他曾在本國鄉村以超過其任樂觀期望的勁頭替這些佃戶辯護,勇往直前為之效勞,而這些人卻為了婚姻問題一把他搞垮,猶如把炭火堆在他的頭,簡直就像寓言中那頭被踢一腳的驢221而今回顧一下往事,追想事情的整個經過,一切都恍如一場夢。
  14. Panelists include mr. frank martin, president of the american chamber of commerce in hong kong, brigadier christopher hammerbeck, executive director of the british chamber of commerce in hong kong ; mrs. irene heffernan ho, principal, kpmg ; and professor edith lau of cuhk s faculty of medicine

    工作坊行一節座談會,出席者包括香港美國商會會長馬畋先生、香港英商會行政總裁夏偉邦準將、 kpmg主管鳳蓮女士和香港中文大學醫學院劉明珠教授。
  15. Seniors can play just about any sport - rugby, powerlifting and diving are among the events at some local senior games - though aging does add some limitations

  16. It is not many scholars to clearly prove the opinion of shifting the burden of proof, on the contrary the contradictory scholars are more prominent, for example the vice professor of southwest politics and law university, chengang, wuyue who translates and introduces the burden of proof of germany, because them there are more and more people support the opposite opinion, while in the draft of " civil evidence code ", the traditional idea win, in this draft the legislator abides by the present justice and our country ' s native circumstance, they made an scientific choice, of course, the burden of proof will directly influence the party " s possibility of losing the lawsuit, while the regulation of shifting the burden of proof increases the plaintiff ' s opportunity to win a lawsuit. to explain what is the shifting of burden of proof, the paper use the civil law as the example to point out the " reverse " is not entirly relieve the plaintiff s obligation of producing evidence, but in certain extent and in certain range make the defendant bear the burden of producing those proofs from the reverse way, which are originally beard by the plaintiff. in the three proceeding law, shifting the burden of proof have some differences, but the interior spirits are coincident - for the values of social justice and the legal reason

    論證證責任倒置的學者觀點明確並且論證十分充分的不多,相反卻是對此著書立說予以反駁的學者較為突出,如西南政法大學的副教授陳則博士,翻譯並介紹德國證明責任學說的吳越先生均是目前國內對證責任倒置持否定態度的代表人物,由於他們的推動使得國內持此說的人越來越多,但在《民事證據法(草案) 》的擬定過程中,並未采責任倒置的地位,這樣的立法選擇是建立在對我國法律實現的本土環境客觀認識的基礎的科學選擇,誠然,證責任的分配直接影響到當事人在訴訟中的敗訴風險,而「倒置」規則的設計,則在此問題增加了原告勝訴的籌碼,在理解證責任倒置時,本文著重以民事法為主線,指出這種「倒置」並非全部免除原告的證明責任,而是在一定范圍與一定程度將通常應由原告負擔的證責任轉由被告從反方面承擔,證責任倒置在三大訴訟法中所體現的具體情形有所差異,但它們的內在精神是一致的?法律的理性與社會公平價值,在民事訴訟中證責任倒置的情形,一般總是將其局限於特殊侵權情形,而忽略了民事合同違約責任的訴訟中的原告也無須對被告應承擔違約責任的所有要件,對被告主觀的過錯實行推定,若被告予以否定則應對其無過錯的證據證,在設置證責任倒置的規則時,從各國的立法經驗與法的內在價值要求可以總結出以下幾個原則:程序法與實體法結合原則,公平原則,訴訟經濟原則,保護弱者原則等,基於此完善證責任倒置的規則時首先應肯定證責任倒置的概念,其次立法應避免求大求全,再次要配合實體法的發展,最後還可以在司法領域嘗試判例的指導意義。
  17. Both yang cheng - fu and wu chien - chuan made similar modifications to their beginning level forms around the same time. wu yu - hsiang s t ai chi is a distinctive style with small, subtle movements ; highly focused on balance, sensitivity and internal chi development

  18. He told how bigger had come to the house, how timid and frightened he had acted, and how moved and touched the family had been for him.

  19. Guilty as they may be, retaining, nevertheless, a zeal for god s glory and man s welfare, they shrink from displaying themselves black and filthy in the view of men ; because, thenceforward, no good can be

  20. In any case, this past weekened, kevin everett sat up in his hospital bed for more than 4 hours, he also lifted his right arm for the first time
