
中文拼音 []
名詞(姓氏) a surname
  1. Ms. amy yui, director of administrative services

  2. Stephen george. multi - level governance and the european union [ a ]. ian bache and matthew flinders eds., multi - level governance [ c ]. oxford : oxford university press, 2004

    關于治理和全球治理的內容和特點,請參見可平主編: 《治理與善治》 ,社會科學文獻出版社2000年版
  3. Treatment of 62 diabetes cases by catgut implantation at point weiwanxiashu

  4. Thoughts on cityscape construction theory and practice

  5. Effect of yu ' s neiyi recipe on endometriosis

  6. Suwen ( 素 問 ) is a sub - school of collation school. second , we made a general analysis to 195 cases of collating and exegetics of suwen ( 素 問 ) made by hushu ( 胡 澎 ) 、 yuyue ( 俞 樾 ) 、 sunyirang ( 孫 詒 讓 ) 、 yuchang ( 于 鬯 ) , and compared them with the contents of textural research of the exegetic school in the former part of the dissertation

  7. The people who studied neijing ( 內 經 ) historieally can be classified as two sorts ? the exegetes in collation and exegetes in commentaries of medicine books. the former such as duanyucai ( 段 玉 裁 ) 、 hushu ( 胡 澎 ) 、 yuyue ( 俞 樾 ) 、 sunyirang ( 孫 詒 讓 ) 、 yuchang ( 于 鬯 ), who belonged to anhui school of the experts in plain - ology , paid their attentions to textual researeh for contextual contents as their style of study , and the latter sueh as wangbing ( 王 冰 ) 、 wukun ( 吳 昆 ) 、 zhangjiebin ( 張 介 賓 ) 、 mashi ( 馬 蒔 ) 、 zhangzhicong ( 張 志 聰 ) , who all were famous physicians , paid their attentions to the explaining of medical principles as their style of study. a famous professor of the conteeporary era , qianchaochen ( 錢 超 塵 ) , pointed out clearly that there are two schools in the exegetical history of neijing ( 內 經 ) - the collative school and the exegetic school. but up to date , in the field of chinese medicine , the collative school has been short of being studied. this dissertation mainly study the collative school , and select suwen ( 素 問 ) collative school , which is consisted of hushu ( 胡 澎 ) 、 yuyue ( 俞 樾 ) 、 sunyirang ( 孫 詒 讓 ) 、 yuchang ( 于 鬯 ), as the object to discuss the far - reaching influence of plain - ology to the study of medical documents

  8. Research on the headstream of yu yue ' s thought of abolishing traditional chinese medicine

  9. Etc. later he became a disciple of maestro yu zhenfei and was personally coached by yu in the repertoire of li bai writing in an inebriated state and

    后拜振飛為師,由親授《太白醉寫》 、 《奇雙會》等戲。
  10. Jenny could redeem the stolen money from the thief after he was arrested.

  11. Observation on therapeutic effect of plum - blossom needle therapy on peripheral facial neuritis at acute stage

  12. Through investigation and comparison of the edition, sifters have found that the present : yu zhang series has been of the same origin with the series corrected by yu wangjue, which exists little differences, and it had no original connection with the series of ye zhanquan, which exists much differences

  13. Moreover, wooden walking horses invented by zhuge liang during the three kingdom period ( 220 - 280 ), automatic horse made by craftsman yu lingyu of the qi of the southern dynasties ( 479 - 502 ), wood beaver that could fish and then emerge from the water by itself created by wang ju of the tang dynasty ( 618 - 907 ) and wooden mouse - catching device recorded in meng xi bi tan ( the dream rivulet diary ) written by shen kuo of the northern song dynasty ( 960 - 1127 ), all have natures similar to modern robots

    另外,三國時的諸葛亮製作的"木牛流馬" ;南北朝南奇巧匠靈韻的"機器馬" ;隋唐時王琚用輕質木料製作的"機械水獺" ,不僅能夠在水中捕魚,捕到魚后還會自動浮出水面;宋代沈括的《夢溪筆談》中的"木抓鼠"等,都和機器人有著異曲同工之妙。
  14. Sim van der ryn and cown , stuart , 1996. ecological design , island press washington. d. c

    西蒙茲(孔堅、王志芳、孫鵬等譯) , 2000 ,景觀設計學。中國建築工業出版社。
  15. They have been hammering away at comrade yu for a few days, trying to change his mind

  16. Third , hushu ( 胡 澎 ) 、 yuyue ( 俞 樾 ) 、 sunyirang ( 孫 詒 讓 ) 、 yuchang ( 于 鬯 ) all are the main representatives of anhui school. they inherited the traditions of duan ( 段 ) and wang ( 王 ) , and their levels were very high and their influences were very great. it is very significant that when they studied the medicine documents , they used the ways of traditional chinese philology

    第三,胡澎、樾、孫詁讓等皆是上承「段王之學」 ,水平高超、影響深遠的皖派核心代表人物,當他們涉足醫學文獻時,最積極的意義是將小學方法引進了醫學領域。
  17. The boy band consists of three members : vocalist rex yu, guitarist li junjun, and drummer zhong xun. they ' re experimenting by absorbing all kinds of musical genres in their rock

  18. Legend has it that yu boya, a distinguished guqin player, missed his late friend so much that he destroyed his guqin here some 2, 000 years ago

    堂前有一方白玉石臺,據說是2 , 000多年前古琴家伯牙憶念故友黯然毀琴之處。
  19. Several limits of yu - yue ' s academic thoughts

  20. Yu yue ' s drama writing and research
