
中文拼音 [zhuàn]
傳名詞1. (解釋經文的著作) commentaries on classics 2. (傳記) biography 3. (敘述歷史故事的作品) novels about historical events: 《水滸傳》 water margin; outlaws of the marsh; 《呂梁英雄傳》 the lüliang heroes
  1. The seeker now weighs just 8 kg and has been designed to replace the ir seeker on a conventional short - range aam

  2. Stress environment hormone aba signal transduction and its regulatory control

  3. Abacus is a wonderful but sadly vanishing culture

  4. That attainment of these objectives required abandonment of the traditional posture did not deter roosevelt.

  5. But the slap and the blessing stood him friend, says mr vincent, for to make up he taught him a trick worth two of the other so that maid, wife, abbess and widow to this day affirm that they would rather any time of the month whisper in his ear in the dark of a cowhouse or get a lick on the nape from his long holy tongue then lie with the finest strapping young ravisher in the four fields of all ireland

    文森特先生曰: 「作為補償,彼將力量相當于兩頭公牛之秘訣授下來。處女妻子女修道院院長與寡婦至今斷言,伊等與其跟愛爾蘭四片綠野130上最英俊強壯專門勾引女人之年輕小夥子睡覺,不如隨時都於幽暗牛棚中,對著牛耳囁嚅131 ,並希望彼用神聖的長舌舔自己的脖頸。 」
  6. On confucian view of moral abd interest

  7. Thomas j. abercrombie, kabul, afghanistan 1967, as enclosed as her pets, an afghan woman secludes herself behind the traditional chadri as she balances caged goldfinches bought at market

    阿富汗,喀布爾, 1967年,托馬斯?亞柏克隆比,這位婦人將市場買來的金翅雀頂在頭上,一襲統的察都里袍圍住全身,把她圍得與籠中鳥一樣的禁閉。
  8. The simplest explanation of aberration is the analogy of light propagation to the fall of raindrops.

  9. The majority of aberrations are sporadic although on rare occasions a chromosomal disorder is directly inherited.

  10. Any aider and abetter will have the same punishment. " for enquiry on the employment of foreign domestic helpers, please contact the immigration department at : -

    市民就僱用外籍家庭傭工方面如有任何查詢,可致電2824 6111 ,或真2877 7711 ,或電郵至
  11. It is closely related with other factors ( the traditional law culture of china, villager autonomy system, law enforcement and judicial administration in rural areas ) that also have effects on the rural rule - by - law course, and deeply affects rural legal operation in the fields of national especially agricultural legislation, farmer ' s voluntary abidance by the law, and the execution of law in rural areas

  12. Second, at three criterion, regulation of diary life, working rules, law. resocialization level are difference and can be measured bythree terms. cognition, abidance and indentity. third part, the factors inflence resocialization of peasantsin city have been devided into objective factors and subject factors before detail analysis. amony objective factors, income actsthe most important role, while the communication media take the first place amony subjective factors. the last part of this paper comes the mainconclusion of the study, the problem remains to be resolved and further research should be conducted

  13. Here, the same format was used for the seminar as for the one in ghana, except by master s arrangement, we were able to use st paul s church, in the heart of the city of abidjan, for our venue

  14. According to the conventional hypothesis, the earliest living cells emerged as a result of chemical evolution on our planet billions of years ago in a process called abiogenesis

  15. To master percy apjohn at high school in 1880 he had divulged his disbelief in the tenets of the irish protestant church to which his father rudolf virag, later rudolph bloom, had been converted from the israelitic faith and communion in 1865 by the society for promoting christianity among the jews subsequently abjured by him in favour of roman catholicism at the epoch of and with a view to his matrimony in 1888

  16. Ablative thickness transducer sensor

  17. During the festival, events such as traditional tea ceremonies and japanese koto harp performances were held in this garden abloom with the autumn flora so each visitor could fully enjoy the fall season

  18. The circulation of gossip is abhorrent.

  19. As the kid chymosin was extracted by the traditional way and the buffering way at different ph values, its activity mainly depended on the salt concentration, extraction time and temperature, the ratio of buffer and abomasums and extraction times

  20. Trichomoniasis is a contagious, venereal disease of cattle characterized by sterility, pyometra and abortion.
