冬利 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [dōng]
冬利 英文
  1. The afterheat, which is collected by recovery devices, in winter can be used as the low level thermal source of heat pump, and in summer can preheat feed water, thus equivalent an economizer. because energy flows in the system so reasonably that energy is used to the most, therefore, its energy conservation effect is significant, and the operating expenditure declines consequently. the sewage can be reused after due treatment, thua it has a certain social and ecological benefit, too

  2. The formula one team and commercial car maker will predominantly offer technical help to italians competing in winter olympic pursuits such as bobsleigh and the luge

  3. Deng wh, gao w, zhao j. 2004. breeding biology of grey - faced buzzard in northeastern china. journal of raptor research 38 : 263 - 269

    王海濤、高瑋、萬梅、劉多、鄧文洪. 2003 .用天然樹洞繁殖的五種鳥的巢位特徵及繁殖成功率.生態學報, 23 : 1377 1385
  4. A roasted mallard duck with a bottle of chablis, and then camembert, a demi - tasse and a cigar would leave him filled and happy for the journey to his winter refuge

  5. Nor could i pass unnoticed the suggestion of the bleak shores of lapland, siberia, spitzbergen, nova zembla, iceland, greenland, with the vast sweep of the arctic zone, and those forlorn regions of dreary space, - that reservoir of frost and snow, where firm fields of ice, the accumulation of centuries of winters, glazed in alpine heights above heights, surround the pole and concentre the multiplied rigours of extreme cold

    還有些地方我也不能看都不看,一翻而過,那就是書中提到的拉普蘭西伯亞斯匹次卑爾根群島新地島冰島和格陵蘭荒涼的海岸。 「廣袤無垠的北極地帶和那些陰凄凄的不毛之地,宛若冰雪的儲存庫。千萬個寒所積聚成的堅冰,像阿爾卑斯山的層層高峰,光滑晶瑩,包圍著地極,把與日俱增的嚴寒匯集於一處。 」
  6. And she was wondrous stricken of heart for that evil hap and for his burial did him on a fair corselet of lamb s wool, the flower of the flock, lest he might perish utterly and lie akeled for it was then about the midst of the winter and now sir leopold that had of his body no manchild for an heir looked upon him his friend s son and was shut up in sorrow for his forepassed happiness and as sad as he was that him failed a son of such gentle courage for all accounted him of real parts so grieved he also in no less measure for young stephen for that he lived riotously with those wastrels and murdered his goods with whores

  7. Both the mean radiation temperature of air - condition room and the dissymmetric radical temperature character will produce un - benefit effect to human thermal comfort in winter

  8. The ground squirrel of southern california both estivates and hibernates. this kind of little animals begin resting in july and sometimes remain this way until the following spring

  9. Coming home it was a gorgeous winter s night on the featherbed mountain. bloom and chris callinan were on one side of the car and i was with the wife on the other

  10. Abstract : this paper analyzes causal factors of flood in the middle reaches of changjiang river. due to neglection of environmental management, soil erosion in the upper and middle reaches of the changjiag river, lake sedimentation, large - scale reclamation of marshes, the flood regulation capacity of the lake was descended, and flood stage was risen and prolonged. consequently more and more river levees and lake dikes were reinforced almost every year to prevent the disasters, which made flood level go up and flood period last for more days. the frequency of flood and waterlogging disasters rose and their damage was enlarged. several proposals for flood prevention including agricultural modernization are put forward

    文摘: 1998年長江大洪水后開始實施的「平垸行洪,退田還湖」的土地用調整方案,從長遠來說應尋求農業安全且收入逐漸提高條件下的土地用,長江中游地區應積極推進農業現代化,提高農業勞動生產率,轉移,減少分蓄洪區的人口,移民建鎮,對區內的土地要促進其規模經營,由優秀的有文化的農民經營,平時只有少量的直接從事農業生產的經營管理人員,農忙時則大量地使用季節性合同工或實現機械化,大洪水時退田還湖,減輕長江幹流大洪水的壓力,減少分洪與特大洪災時的損失,這樣還可促進避洪、季農業等的發展,也有於長江中上游地區陡坡耕地的退耕還林,還可在糧食充足時進行休耕,在旱災、糧食緊張時擴大糧食生產?
  11. Rinse and cut eggplant, yellow and green italian cucumber. rinse beans and remove french beans. rinse fresh mushrooms and remove the roots. rinse asparagus and cherry tomato. set aside

  12. The coastal lagoons of ojo de liebre and san ignacio are important reproduction and wintering sites for the grey whale, harbour seal, california sea lion, northern elephant - seal and blue whale

  13. Against the uniform sheet of snow and the greyish winter sky the italian villa loomed up rather grimly.

  14. Heaven is eating convenience store " hotdogs " in winter

  15. In the dead of winter he and henri de tonty started down the illinois.

  16. Ice dancing is a relatively new addition to the games, making its debut at the 1976 winter olympics in innsbruck, austria

  17. Munich - innsbruck austria - salzburg travel to innsbruck. first a quick photo stops at the 1964 and 1976 winter olympic ski jump site for a spectacular view of the city

  18. Only two other torches have been heavier - that for the innsbruck games in 1964 weighed 2. 25 kilos nearly 5lb and the torch for the london games in 1948 weighed in at 2. 15 kilos

    迄今為止,只有1964年奧地因斯布魯克奧會和1948年倫敦奧運會火炬的重量超過它。前者重2 . 25公斤,後者重2 . 15公斤。
  19. Only two other torches have been heavier - that for the innsbruck games in 1964 weighed 2. 25 kilos nearly 5lb and the torch for the london games in 1948 weighed in at 2. 15 kilos 4. 74lb

    迄今為止,只有1964年奧地因斯布魯克奧會和1948年倫敦奧運會火炬的重量超過它。前者重2 . 25公斤,後者重2 . 15公斤。然而,按照該火炬設計
  20. Insomniac bears are roaming the forests of southwestern siberia scaring local people as the weather stays too warm for the animals to fall into their usual winter slumber
