
中文拼音 []
Ⅰ名詞1. (規范) standard; norm; criterion 2. (規則) regulation; rule; law 3. (姓氏) a surname Ⅱ動詞[書面語]1. (效法) imitate; follow; copy 2. (是, 乃是) be Ⅲ量詞(用於分項或自成段落的文字的條數) an item Ⅳ連詞[書面語]1. (表示因果、條件等) : 多則一年, 少則半載 between six months and a year; 不進則退。
either one goes forward or he will be left behind. 不戰則已, 戰則必勝。
fight no battle unless victory is sure. 物體熱則漲, 冷則縮。
objects expand when heated and contract when cooled. 有則改之, 無則加勉。
correct mistakes if you have made any and guard against them if you have not. 欲速則不達。
more haste, less speed. 2. (表示對比、轉折、讓步等) Ⅴ助詞(用在「一、二、三」等後面,列舉原因或理由):不能讓他去干, 一則年紀大, 二則身體弱。
don't set him the task. for one thing he's old, for another he's in poor health. 我想今天不去了, 一則我有點累, 二則我去過好幾趟了。
i don't think i am going today. first, i am feeling a bit tired; secondly, i have been there several times before
  1. For example, " zoo " compares as less than " aardvark. " you can call

  2. In its most general sense, corruption means the perversion or abandonment.

  3. The pathology characteristic that liver fiber changes is collect there are many fibre hyperplasia and deposit inside abbacy and liver flocculus, but have not form the interval inside flocculus, liver cirrhosis has false flocculus to form, central vein area and collect abbacy occurrence interval, the normal structure of liver is destroyed, liver fiber changes further progress to be liver cirrhosis namely

  4. " but, how can i open the grave by myself ? i had better consult with abbess shih.

    「我一人如何掘得開墳墓?且和石道姑商量個。 」
  5. The chi lin nunnery is the only institution in hong kong recognized as a " nu zhong shi fang cong lin ". in other words, it is a nunnery open to nuns from all quarters and its abbess is selected purely on merit

  6. Abel was a shepherd and cain a tiller of the soil

  7. On the structure of the gr - abelian regular rings

  8. Theorem 4. 5 if locally soluble group g is c * ( w ) - group, then the chief factor of g is elementary abelian

  9. Theorem 3. 3 if g is c ( p ) - group and p is an odd prime, then the derived subgroup of g is elementary abelian p - group

    定理3 3若g是…群且屍是奇素數,g 』是初等阿貝爾p群
  10. Theorem 3. 9 if g is locally finite p - group and c * ( p ) - group, then the nilpotent class of g is at most 3 and the derived subgroup of g is elementary abelian p - group

    定理39若局部有限屍群g是c 「卜群,g的類最多為3且g 』是初等阿貝爾p群
  11. Any aider and abetter will be liable to the same punishment

  12. The procedure is abhorrent from the principles of law

  13. They concluded that men who drink earn 10 percent more than abstainers and women drinkers earn 14 percent more than non - drinkers

    男飲士比禁酒者多掙百分之10 ,女飲士多百分之14 。
  14. Citigroup took $ 7. 5 billion of abu dhabi ' s money

  15. To the country at large he promised abundance if the republicans won.

  16. Your lighter boxes of family papers went up - stairs into a barmecide room, that always had a great dining - table in it and never had a dinner, and where, even in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty, the first letters written to you by your old love, or by your little children, were but newly released from the horror of being ogled through the windows, by the heads exposed on temple bar with an insensate brutality and ferocity worthy of abyssinia or ashantee

  17. Language : neraphim speak their own language and slaad. some learn common, which allows them to better communicate with creatures of other planes, and some learn abyssal and celestial

  18. In the writer ' s view, the reason of the above trade barriers mainly exists in the following aspects. first is the natural deficiency of gats, then, it is the inevitable result of the accentuation the state sovereignty

    形成這些貿易壁壘的原因主要有: gats的固有缺陷、強調國家主權原,我國法律服務業水平較低以及法律的特殊性。
  19. The roots of their binding force lie in their acceptance by the majority.

  20. Subsequently by taking “ ancient - style poems ” as center, make an exploration into the acceptant condition of traditional poems collection to canons in the preceding dynasties at the time of “ canon ” being established, from a comprehensive view by editor ' s selection basis, arrangement of collection and readers ' acceptability : among which the “ ancient poems collection ” to the superficial succession and meaning transfer of tu ' s poems canon as well as to the polemic interpretation and conclusion of five - character and seven - character poems canon, and the acceptability and misreading of “ poems of transcription in modern style ” in the mid of ching dynasty to “ ancient poems collection ”, all of which are sufficient to verify the alternative of “ canon ” for traditional poems collection that most of them adopt measures of succeeding canon in early times first, then making an increase and reduction ; while the selection of canon takes “ direct variation of polemics ” as premise, followed by a consideration of degree of art values ; it can be the concrete index of trend to make comments on poems on the selection and interpretation of canon for masters of each school
