
中文拼音 []
動詞[書面語] (割斷) cut off; chop off
  1. The arrival of the world - renowned headsman was greeted by a roar of acclamation from the huge concourse, the viceregal ladies waving their handkerchiefs in their excitement while the even more excitable foreign delegates cheered vociferously in a medley of cries, hoch, banzai, eljen, zivio, chinchin, polla kronia, hiphip, vive, allah, amid which the ringing evviva of the delegate of the land of song a high double f recalling those piercingly lovely notes with which the eunuch catalani beglamoured our greatgreatgrandmothers was easily distinguishable

  2. And he was the shogun ' s decapitator

  3. Then, internally, " if ren e could see me, i hope she would be satisfied, and would no longer call me a decapitator.

  4. And who among the company at monseigneur s reception in that seventeen hundred and eightieth year of our lord, could possibly doubt, that a system rooted in a frizzled hangman, powdered, gold - laced, pumped, and white - silk stockinged, would see the very stars out

  5. And yet in chinese tradition, the so - called " eldritch flame shadow flame ", which involves the burning of rhinoceros horn, is a proverbial method of piercing the veil between the mortal realm and the hereafter

  6. Frequently both victims and the executioner were drunk.

  7. The elephant executioner crushes it beneath his enormous foot.

  8. He looked like an executioner had cleaved his head

  9. And the executioner went off like an arrow

  10. An executioner is a person who carries out the death sentence

  11. Oh, executioner, your services are no longer required

  12. In the french resistance it was considered a high honor to face a nazi firing squad

  13. The prisoner, his hands tied behind his back, was brought to the scene by the hangman.

  14. This knot ' s called a hangman ' s noose

  15. Roderigo. by heaven, i rather would have been his hangman

  16. We have decided to report you to constable hillers, who will undoubtedly send you to the headsman

  17. The bank & the mortician forever, man.

  18. A deathsman of the soul robert greene called him, stephen said. not for nothing was he a butcher s son wielding the sledded poleaxe and spitting in his palm. nine lives are taken off for his father s one, our father who art in purgatory

    「羅伯特格林曾稱他作靈魂的子手70 , 」斯蒂芬說, 「他真不愧為屠夫的兒子, 71在手心上啐口唾沫,就掄起磨得鋥亮的殺牛斧。
  19. Despite the fact that most gladiators wore helmets, 10 of the remains showed the fighters had died of squarish hammer - like blows to the side of the head, possibly the work of a backstage executioner who finished off wounded losers after the fight

  20. All this i promise to do. michael, archbishop of armagh pours a cruse of hair oil over bloom s head. gaudium magnum annuntio vobis

    將瓦罐里的發油倒在布盧姆頭上我向你們宣布一樁大喜訊:我們有了一位子手216 。