
中文拼音 [yín]
名詞[書面語] (界限; 邊際) boundary; limit
  1. Have you ever seat in an infinity of wasteland alone, a “ the spirit of the laws ” in hands, facing the beauteous setting sun, reciting or musing every now and then

    你有否曾獨自一人,坐在一個廣袤無的荒原,手拿著一本《論法的精神》 ,面對著美麗的落日,時而默默吟誦,時而掩卷沉思?
  2. To the one side of the mountain is the boundless and melancholy marsh.

  3. Nor could i pass unnoticed the suggestion of the bleak shores of lapland, siberia, spitzbergen, nova zembla, iceland, greenland, with the vast sweep of the arctic zone, and those forlorn regions of dreary space, - that reservoir of frost and snow, where firm fields of ice, the accumulation of centuries of winters, glazed in alpine heights above heights, surround the pole and concentre the multiplied rigours of extreme cold

    還有些地方我也不能看都不看,一翻而過,那就是書中提到的拉普蘭西伯利亞斯匹次卑爾根群島新地島冰島和格陵蘭荒涼的海岸。 「廣袤無的北極地帶和那些陰凄凄的不毛之地,宛若冰雪的儲存庫。千萬個寒冬所積聚成的堅冰,像阿爾卑斯山的層層高峰,光滑晶瑩,包圍著地極,把與日俱增的嚴寒匯集於一處。 」
  4. The presence and the observations of villarsky, who was continually deploring the poverty and the ignorance and the backwardness of russia, compared with europe, only heightened pierres pleasure in it. where villarsky saw deadness, pierre saw the extraordinary mighty force of vitality, the force which sustained the life of that homogeneous, original, and unique people over that immense expanse of snow

  5. It stood at the side of the road which leads from orleans to paris and with its rich verdure and high - embowered trees broke the monotony of that flat countryside, where fields stretched to the horizon s verge

  6. Only the rocket will enable him to overcome the gravity of the earth and to reach the vast emptiness of space.

  7. Then unexpectedly, composer and conductor peter boyer took master s hands and invited her to sing a song for the occasion. at the persistent invitation of debbie reynolds, co - m. c. of the evening, supreme master ching hai, after declining several times, closed her eyes, and in a soft and touching voice sang " farewell, " a song she composed from a poem written by herself in 1978, germany different in melody from the one with the same title composed by fred karlin, 1998, u. s. a. the audience was intoxicated in the ocean of love as her euphonious and melodious voice reverberated in boundless time and space

  8. Over this immensity the sky curved like a frescoed ceiling, where flotillas of white and grey clouds floated on separate winds

  9. Beneath us was a rich stretch of country, verdant with grass and lovely with foliage and flowers.

  10. The straight - forwardness and resolute characters of mongolian people have much to do with the vast grassland and endless snow ground

  11. The night was very large, and very strange, stretching its hoary distances infinitely.

  12. The very insignificance of this planet in the vastness of the known universe is enough to numb the minds of most people.

  13. Land was seemingly limitless in extend and, therefore, not highly priced, and almost every colonist wanted to be a landholder

  14. The stone glares down at us out of the black boundlessness, a memento mori

  15. Nana gazed ecstatically at the vast plain beneath the grey sky where great clouds were banked up.

  16. The project ' s reductive materiality and muted ocher - grey and blue - green coloration make its figures seem to emerge from the encounter between things that have always been there, as when the undifferentiated expanse of the ocean is drawn into the rock - and - concrete bowl of the adult pool

    這個設計所採用的儉約材料與柔和的黃灰及青綠天然色調使它的各個部分看來似乎是從既存事物的交互作用中產出,尤其當浩瀚無的海洋被汲納入成人池由巖石和混凝土共同交織構成的空間中時(更能看出材料與顏色的運用如何讓建築消失) 。
  17. Save that it is spaceless and timeless.

  18. Save that it is spaceless and timeless

  19. As he drove into arbatsky square, the immense expanse of dark, starlit sky lay open before pierres eyes

  20. Research on the application of xiyin clay in stoneware production
