庫尤 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [yóu]
庫尤 英文
  1. Whole towns have been paralysed, as ethnic cleansing has spread, with mr kibaki ' s fellow kikuyus, who run thousands of businesses outside their own heartlands, being chased out or even killed

  2. " we shall live as the kikuyu were meant to live.

    「我們要按照吉庫尤人本應該生活的方式,去生活。 」
  3. " then they are no longer kikuyu, " i said placidly

    「那他們就不再是吉庫尤人了。 」我依舊平靜地回答。
  4. Every kikuyu business and home has been looted and burned

  5. " any city is, by definition, european. the kikuyu do not live in cities.

    「任何城市,從精確的角度來看,都是歐洲式的。而真正的吉庫尤人不住城市裡。 」
  6. And it was among the kikuyu that ngai waged his final battle against the god of the europeans

  7. Several streets were controlled by crowds of kikuyu youths armed with clubs, machetes, bows and arrows

  8. Language : english and swahili are the official language. kikuyu, somali and luo are also widely spoken

  9. The decision to return kenya ' s 76 - year - old incumbent president, mwai kibaki, to office was not made by the kenyan people but by a small group of hardline leaders from mr kibaki ' s kikuyu tribe

  10. The kikuyu - led party backing his rival, the incumbent president, mwai kibaki, was most blatant in ensuring that his tally of votes in the kikuyu heartland north of the capital, nairobi, was inflated

    支持其對手姆瓦伊?齊貝吉(現任肯尼亞總統)的基庫尤人領導的政黨表現得則最為炫耀? ?他們要保證在首都內羅畢北面的基庫尤中心地帶的選票會過于膨脹性地投給齊貝吉。
  11. The luos have driven out 20, 000 or so kikuyus from a population of 380, 000 ; few will return

  12. Among kikuyus, there is fearful talk of luo militias loyal to mr odinga being trained in southern sudan

  13. There is little evidence so far that he is organising an armed insurrection, though many kikuyus believe he has been complicit in the attacks against them in kisumu and elsewhere

  14. So far, the use of traditional weapons, including clubs and poisoned arrows, has caused the flight of several hundred thousand kenyans who belonged to ethnic minorities in their places of abode ? for instance, luos in central province and kikuyus in the west

    到目前為止,使用傳統武器(如棍棒與毒箭)的暴力事件讓好幾百的肯尼亞人逃離家園? ?這些人都是原住所的少數民族,比如居住在中部省份的盧奧人與居住在西部的基庫尤人。
  15. A bin or tank especially for fuel storage, as on a ship

  16. " i remained true to my convictions, " i said. " it is you who tried to become a kenyan rather than a kikuyu.

    「我依然對我所做的一切深信不疑。 」我說, 「當初是你不想做吉庫尤人,要去做肯尼亞人的。 」
  17. " that the kikuyu, who were here before the kenyans, leave for a new world, " i answered. " for we, too, are an anachronism that no longer belongs here.

    「我是說,我們吉庫尤人,早在肯尼亞人之前就來到了這里,現在要前去一個新的世界。 」我回答說, 「對於我們這些人,也是一樣,我們都已經過時了,也不該屬于這兒了。 」
  18. Diplomats in nairobi, the capital, pointed the finger at the kikuyu old guard, men who had feared that they would lose their fortunes if mr odinga had made it into state house

  19. Tense tribal divisions have long threatened to widen as the minority groups, including opposition leader raila odinga ' s luo, have come to feel marginalised by the concentration of power in kikuyu hands

  20. " he is a kehee who brings water to the turkana and the rendille and the samburu, " i agreed. " what is that to the kikuyu ?

    「他就是個抽水從圖爾卡那湖往朗得利爾和薩巴雷送的小子。 」我表示同意, 「那是在為吉庫尤人嗎? 」