
中文拼音 []
名詞[書面語] (正房對面和兩側的小屋子) rooms at the sides of or facing the principal rooms
  1. The architectural characteristics of the building are rather unique. it is designed in art deco style and rendered with shanghai plaster, and has a green glazed chinese tiled hipped roof decorated with dragon shaped ornaments at four corners, representing a harmonious blend of chinese and western styles

  2. It is surrounded by a circular wall of 276 meters long. the seclusive garden is decorated with palatial halls and pavilions and ancient trees

    城臺高4 . 6米,周長276米,臺上古木扶疏,殿亭華麗,廊曲折,是一處精緻的小園林。
  3. A grand building complex with 9 courtyards came into being. the total 466 halls, pavilions, chambers and rooms were separated by 3 major gateways starting from the entrance

  4. The temple was built in 1473 and its original name was zhenjuesi. in 1860 and 1900, the temple was plundered and burned by aggressors and there was only an indian style pagoda left

    89 《翠谷塔影》 ? ?香山琉璃塔,建於1780年。是香山昭廟在遭外侵劫難后,留存下來的寶塔,塔高10米,八角七層用琉璃磚瓦砌成低層圍以白玉欄桿,塔基周圍為木構廊,形式獨特。
  5. That makes this a rare and special audience indeed : you will play a pivotal part in rising to the challenge i want to talk about today : how, together, we can build a harmonious world : a world in which the globalisation of opportunity, which offers so many benefits, is matched by the globalisation of responsibility to ensure those benefits are shared

  6. Hall of abstinence the hall on a white marble foundation is of bricks without any pillar or beam

    漢白玉石殿基,殿頂, 5開間,系磚券結構,不設樑柱,故又名無梁殿。
  7. The press in china widely reported these events

  8. The opening in the center was for the emperor and empress exclusively. the two side openings were for the use of princes and court officials. eunuchs and soldiers used side gates to the south and north

    東宮門頤和園正門,門為三明兩暗的殿式建築,中間正門供帝后出入,稱為「御路」 ,兩邊門洞供王公大苫出入,太監兵卒從南門北兩側邊門出入。
  9. The national concert hall has a " gable and hip " roof. in combination with the octagonal roof of the memorial hall, they form a triangular design, with the memorial hall, 70 meters in height, as the pivotal building

  10. Following this he went abroad to study at the university of pittsburgh in the united states, where he broadened his intellectual horizons

  11. The hall on a white marble foundation is of bricks without any pillar or beam. bronze statues, a stone pavilion and a stone pavilion with a sundial are in front of the hall

    漢白玉石殿基,殿頂, 5開間,系磚券結構,不設樑柱,故又名無梁殿。
  12. The total 466 halls, pavilions, chambers and rooms were separated by 3 major gateways starting from the entrance. it measures over 1km from north to south and occupies an area of 22o, ooo square metres
