
中文拼音 [chǐ]
Ⅰ動詞(羞愧) be ashamed of; regard as shameful Ⅱ名詞(恥辱) shame; disgrace; humiliation
  1. It's a shameful, wicked, abominable law.

  2. You ' ve been ashamed since the acorn thing

  3. " the shame of the sun " he wrapped and mailed to the acropolis

  4. When he was ploughed for his fina he looked upon it as a personnal affront.

  5. The meat of them has been transmuted in the alembic of martin eden s mind and poured into the shame of the sun, and one day martin eden will be famous, and not the least of his fame will rest upon that work

  6. He thinks it ' s a shame to beg others for alms

  7. Cherish anima, do not be damage

  8. The young sparks, it is true, were as full of extravagancies as overgrown children : the words of their tumultuary discussions were difficultly understood and not often nice : their testiness and outrageous mots were such that his intellects resiled from : nor were they scrupulously sensible of the proprieties though their fund of strong animal spirits spoke in their behalf

    彼等蕩兒實似狂妄自大之頑童,喜議論喧囂,用語費解,且口出不遜。每聞其暴躁與寡廉鮮之話語187 ,頓感憤慨。雖能以血氣方剛勉強為之開脫,但如此無禮實難以忍受。
  9. The economic factor, nay, the shortsighted economic gain has become the only guide in policymaking, distribution of wealth was taken as in apposition to creation of wealth, the gap between the rich and the poor dangerously widened

  10. The feathers attached to the arms and the tail evidently possess the structures of " modern feathers ", which consisting of the central shafts ( rachis ) and parallel barbs. dromaeosaurids are unusual group of maniraptoran theropods. they share many similar or the same features with archaeopteryx or other primitive birds, such as : u - shaped furcula, uncinate process, laterally facing glenoid of shoulder girdle, comparatively long forelimb, large semilunate carple, retroverted pubis, ascending process of astragalus, and " modern feathers " with rachis and barbs etc. these facts indicate not only that dromaeosaurids had developed many bird - like characters in course of the advanced maniraptorans toward birds, but also that there seemed to be the co - evolutionary trend between the feathers and the skeletal bones

    奔龍類是一類較為特殊的手盜龍類( maniraptora ) ,它具有許多與始祖鳥archaeopteryx甚至其它早期鳥類相似或接近的特徵,主要表現在:叉骨u形與始祖鳥和孔子鳥類的相同,背肋鉤狀突在孔子鳥類和個別反鳥類中也存在,肩臼窩絕大部分指向側方類似於始祖鳥,肩胛骨與烏喙骨間的夾角非常接近90也和始祖鳥的相似,前肢從比例上講顯得較長,大的半月形腕骨使肘部能向側方折過來,骨伸向後下方,距骨上升突與原始鳥類中的為同源結構,羽毛已有顯著的分化且具備了現代羽毛的基本結構等等。
  11. To lessen our shame, we did take one prize off them, when a shot from an arquebus blew a hole the size of the eucharist in the chest of their leader, the great charles de bourbon

  12. He required a pretext to participate in soviet bureaucratic decisions was to elevate chutzpah into an art form.

  13. Not only did the story take with the fiction - readers, but those who read " the shame of the sun " with avidity were likewise attracted to the sea - story by the cosmic grasp of mastery with which he had handled it

  14. Elizabeth jane and her mother remained each in her thoughts over their meal, the mother's face being strangely bright since henchard's avowal of shame for a past action.

  15. Only now in the presence of the angry - looking commander, tushin conceived in all its awfulness the crime and disgrace of his being still alive when he had lost two cannons

  16. He has achieved this partly through sheer verbal effrontery, as in his badmouthing of george bush

  17. Private carr behind his back. he aint half balmy

  18. Oh, come you know, this is too barefaced.

  19. It is barefaced robbery asking such a high price for that old bicycle !

  20. For barefaced lying you are really it
