
中文拼音 [tòng]
副詞[書面語] (極悲哀) bitterly; sorrowfully
  1. With anguish he wished he could do something for walter.

  2. The voice of the mournful chanter called to dolorous prayer

  3. On opening the door she saw marine stretched on the bed, almost chocked by grief.

  4. To the inexpressible grief of his

  5. Much lamentation followed the death of the old king.

  6. Much lamentation followed the death of the old king

  7. This is grief with a focus, lamentation with a purpose

  8. She passed and repassed catherine's door several times in the course of the evening, as if she expected to hear a plaintive moan behind it.

  9. The imagined grief was so poignant that bertha burst into tears.

  10. Crying relatives also gathered friday at the tel aviv airport

  11. Fellow citizens, above your national, tumultuous joy, i hear the mournful wail of millions !

  12. Peace to his ashes. mr bloom walked unheeded along his grove by saddened angels, crosses, broken pillars, family vaults, stone hopes praying with upcast eyes, old ireland s hearts and hands

    兩側是悲的天使,十字架,斷裂的圓柱171 ,家塋仰望天空做禱告的希望的石像,還有古愛爾蘭的心和手。
  13. In the light of her bereavement over willie's death, can we put serious blame upon mary for succumbing ?

  14. An inksetter in new york, quoyle returns to his family s longtime home, a small fishing town in newfoundland, with his young daughter, after a traumat.

  15. An inksetter in new york, quoyle returns to his family s longtime home, a small fishing town in newfoundland, with his young daughter, after a traumatizing experience with her mother, petal, who sold her to an illegal adoption agency

  16. That when i come again my god may humble me before you and i may mourn over many who have sinned before and who have not repented of the uncleanness and fornication and licentiousness which they have practiced

  17. 2 cor. 12 : 21 that when i come again my god may humble me before you and i may mourn over many who have sinned before and who have not repented of the uncleanness and fornication and licentiousness which they have practiced

  18. But he restrained himself, inhaling deeply, tightening his lips. in the kitchen, the boy seemed lost, bewildered, imprisoned. looking at his brother, he began to cry softly

  19. The breath went out of her in a wail, her body shook with violent sobbing.

  20. She said that the count had died, as she would wish to die herself, that his end had been not simply touching, but edifying ; that the last interview of the father and son had been so touching that she could not recall it without tears ; and that she did not know which had behaved more nobly in those terrible moments : the father, who had remembered everything and every one so well at the last, and had said such moving words to his son ; or pierre, whom it was heartbreaking to see, so utterly crushed was he, though he yet tried to conceal his grief, so as not to distress his dying father

    她說,伯爵正如她意料中的情景那樣去世了,他的死不僅頗為感人,而且可資垂訓。父子最後一次的會面竟如此感人,以致一想起此事她就會痛哭流涕,她不曉得在這令人可怖的時刻,父子二人中誰的行為表現更為出色,是在臨終的時候對所有的事情和所有的人一一回顧並對兒子道出感人的話的父親呢,還是悲欲絕為使死在旦夕的父親不致於難受而隱藏自己內心的憂愁的令人目睹而憐惜的皮埃爾。 「 cestpenible , maiscelafaitdu