
中文拼音 [dàn]
動詞[書面語] (怕) fear; dread
  1. Those boys have been allowed to run wild.

  2. She had high animal spirits, and a sort of natural self - consequence, which the attentions of the officers, to whom her uncle s good dinners and her own easy manners recommended her, had increased into assurance

  3. The bashfulness contrasting with his usual happy audacity had charmed her.

  4. Mccaul and his men began to make brazen attempts to recruit kgb men.

  5. A reckless man! to win a bet, he had once spent a whole night in the cemetery.

  6. Damocles faced the wall and meditated for ten years and got the buddhist allegory finally, i sit there for two hours and thirty six minutes, at 7 : 29 pm, i made a decision at last : i need to be a graduate student, after a full pack of smokes of helan mountains brand had been finished by me

  7. You could tell that at once by his travelled air, his well-cut tweed suit and fearless accent.

  8. An english ship had roamed the indian ocean, preying with impunity upon portuguese commerce.

  9. The wolf, having no cause of fear, at his leisure lacerated or destroyed the whole flock

  10. He envied joe, down in the village, rampant, tearing the slats off the bar, his brain gnawing with maggots, exulting in maudlin ways over maudlin things, fantastically and gloriously drunk and forgetful of monday morning and the week of deadening toil to come

  11. No one had reproved john for wantonly striking me ; and because i had turned against him to avert farther irrational violence, i was loaded with general opprobrium

  12. Now he was unrestrained and reckless.

  13. Mr. white have uncontrollable greed for fame and wealth

  14. I am not proud of the reckless abandon in which unproved charges have been hurled from this side of the aisle

  15. He has done me such an unscrupulous shot in the eye.

  16. She looked bold and resourceful and unscrupulous and she was all of these.

  17. You're a turncoat, a time-server, a shameful, unscrupulous opportunist.

  18. Little by little the bus trip turned into one great fit of laughter, an uproarious, interminable fit of laughter

  19. It would not be difficult for them to aim a wanton blow at a black boy in a fit of anger.

  20. The boy triumphed, and this victory rendered him so audacious, that all the money of assunta, whose affection for him seemed to increase as he became more unworthy of it, was spent in caprices she knew not how to contend against, and follies she had not the courage to prevent
