
中文拼音 [duì]
名詞[書面語] (怨恨) rancour; resentment
  1. Her resentment opened out a little every year : the embrace she had glimpsed, ennis ' s fishing trips once or twice a year with jack twist and never a vacation with her and the girls, his disinclination to step out and have any fun, his yearning for low paid, long - houred ranch work, his propensity to roll to the wall and sleep as soon as he hit the bed, his failure to look for a decent permanent job with the county or the power company, put her in a long, slow dive and when alma jr. was nine and francine seven she said, what am i doin hangin around with him, divorced ennis and married the riverton grocer

    她心裏的怨與日俱增:她無意中瞥見的那個擁抱;他每年都會和傑克?崔斯特出去兩三回,卻從不帶她和孩子們度假;他不愛出門也不愛玩兒;他老是找些報酬低,耗時長的粗重活干;他喜歡挨墻睡,一沾床就開始打呼;他就是沒辦法在縣城或電力公司找份長期的體面差事;他使她的生活陷入了一個無底黑洞… …於是,在小阿爾瑪9歲,弗朗仙7歲的時候,她和埃尼斯離婚,嫁給了雜貨店老闆。
  2. That makes this a rare and special audience indeed : you will play a pivotal part in rising to the challenge i want to talk about today : how, together, we can build a harmonious world : a world in which the globalisation of opportunity, which offers so many benefits, is matched by the globalisation of responsibility to ensure those benefits are shared

  3. The frayed relationship starts off on rocky grounds, from the enormous amount of care needed for the disabled teenager to the pent - up anger bubbling from fifteen years of abandonment

  4. Your future depends on your dreams. ' ' so go to sleep

    現在的夢想決定著你的將?梗? ?贓?是再睡一會吧
  5. Interpersonal : socially isolated, being hostile and resentful

  6. Yusuf says he emerged without bitterness after receiving treatment in an israeli hospital. " i have to divide the israelis

  7. Think of forgiveness as a powerful survival skill. it helps you find your way through the wilderness of understanding, hurt, resentment, and hatred

  8. Faith, honesty, patience, and courage bring success to a new business. waiting, procrastinating, hatred, and blaming others for your mistakes bring failure to a business

  9. The peril of an old servant and a good one, whose only crime was fidelity to himself and his family, stared him so reproachfully in the face, that, as he walked to and fro in the temple considering what to do, he almost hid his face from the passers - by
