
中文拼音 [jiǎn]
動詞(拾取) pick up; collect; gather
  1. Ball boys fought over her 3 ) discarded towels

  2. Guardsman lee williams, 18, of the desert rats " royal scots dragoon guards battle group, found a new pair of boots in an abandoned barracks which he said were " lighter and more comfortable " than the british footwear

  3. Battier has had such a defensive mentality ever since he picked up a basketball

  4. Pe assault grenadiers cannot pick up dropped bazookas that they cannot use

  5. The children gathered shells on the beach.

  6. They picked some broad beans to stay their hunger

  7. In the cottage i had to climb from room to room over the boxes and baby buggies and crates she had collected.

  8. You forgot to take the cartridge case. you got sloppy

  9. At first, when you pick up the abandonded sack you think it ' s filled with gold, but when you open it you find a perfectly good suit of chain mail instead

  10. Born in charlemagne a small town 30 miles east of montreal, quebec, canada, cine is the youngest of 14 children of a highly musical family

    幸運數字: 5她在一個小口袋中珍藏著一枚她從地上到的鑄造於1968年的5分硬幣香水: channel 5 ofcourse
  11. Pick up a clamshell and weigh it in your hand

  12. Pick up a clamshell and weigh it in your hand. it is heavy

  13. Clara took up the broken vow of women.

  14. Kate picked up the wand and hid it beneath her cloak.

  15. The old man picked a hair from the collar of his coat.

  16. Bitzer picked up his cap, which the concussion had knocked off, and backing, and knuckling his forehead, pleased that it was an accident.

  17. This will help to overcome problems of apparent bimodality caused by the presence of many below-detection-limit values in a data set.

  18. Murfreesboro, ark. - chad johnson has found about 80 diamonds at crater of diamonds state park, but on monday he nearly threw away his largest find yet

    阿肯色州murfreesboro市- - ?得.約翰遜在鉆石口州立公園已經到了80顆鉆石,但是,在周一,他差點將自己發現最大的一顆丟掉。
  19. Immediately, a diminutive gentleman picked it up and read it

  20. In the, sandwichman, distributor of throwaways, nocturnal vagrant, insinuating sycophant, maimed sailor, blind stripling, superannuated bailiff s man, marfeast, lickplate, spoilsport, pickthank, eccentric public laughingstock seated on bench of public park under discarded perforated umbrella. destitution : the inmate of old man s house royal hospital, kilmainham, the inmate of simpson s hospital for reduced but respectable men permanently disabled by gout or want of sight. nadir of misery : the aged impotent disfranchised ratesupported moribund lunatic pauper

    行乞方面:欺詐成性的破產者,對每一英磅的欠款只有一先令四便士的微乎其微的償還能力者,廣告人,撒傳單的,夜間的流浪漢,巴結求寵的諂媚者,缺胳膊短腿的水手,雙目失明的青年,為法警跑腿的老朽318 ,宴會乞丐,舔盤子的,專掃人興的,馬屁精,撐著一把來的凈是窟窿的傘,坐在公園的長凳上,成為公眾笑料的怪人。