
中文拼音 [yuān]
Ⅰ名詞1. (深水; 潭) deep pool 2. (姓氏) a surname Ⅱ形容詞(深) deep
  1. His deft and skilful handling of the abdication issue raised him in a fortnight from the depth to the pinnacle.

  2. On bai ju - yi ' s explanation and ablation of tao yuan - ming

  3. The sense of responsibility, a sudden abruption after four days ' deep attachment in bridges moves your readers deeply

    丹飛: 《廊橋遺夢》里體驗出來的責任、四天纏綿之後從此別,深深打動了你的讀者。
  4. All roads led to the abyss.

  5. Language itself breaks down before the final abyss.

  6. Hurl them into the abyss !

  7. Such had been his first dip into the dark abysses of existence.

  8. Within a few months my father slipped into the abyss of alcoholism.

  9. He threw the brightness of his nature over every abyss and cavern through which he strayed.

  10. Language : neraphim speak their own language and slaad. some learn common, which allows them to better communicate with creatures of other planes, and some learn abyssal and celestial

  11. The vast variety of his knowledge enabled him to adorn and light up every subject on which he touched.

  12. Historic origin of the adulterant of polygonum multiflorum thunb. and textual research on dangyu

  13. Therefore, when carrying out anthropocentric economic development view, one should clearify both anthropocentric economic development view and materialcentric economic development view, and must also pay atention to the business of how to develop the useful and discard the useless parts of the latter

  14. In the first chapter the author looks back the antilogy origin and evolution of the theory of human capital, and systematically introduce the theory of human capital so far with the time clue

  15. It has an origin lost in the mists of antiquity.

  16. The first part is the preface. in this part, i have made a general introduction of dai ethnic minority in xishuangbana dai antonymous region, such as the important position, the unbalanced social and economic developments, and the abundant natural resources. meanwhile, i have also talked about the characteristics of the ethnic relations between dai ethnic minority group and other ethnic ones, which contain the location, the sense of the same origins and cognitions and so on

    本文共分為七部分:第一部分為緒論部分,主要介紹了西雙版納民族地區的大體概況(地處邊疆、戰略位置重要;社會、經濟發展不平衡;自然資源豐富)及西雙版納傣族自治州各民族關系特點(大雜居,小集居,立體分佈;共同的歷史源和族群認同感;民族關系的核心是漢民族和少數民族之間的關系;民族關系發展的不平衡) 。
  17. The heroes and heroines are of ancient and aristocratic lineage.

  18. The lion was a monster sphinx which was astray like them in that gulf of darkness.

  19. They retired to repose, accordingly, and all was silent in this asylum of iniquity.

  20. Staid men and good scholars at first expressed mirth and then indignation at the audacity that baptised this gay rag bag english literature, then philosophy of history, then human culture.
