漢書 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [hànshū]
漢書 英文
  • : 1 (朝代) the han dynasty (206 b c a d 220)2 (漢族) the han nationality3 (漢語) chinese (...
  • : Ⅰ動詞(寫字; 記錄; 書寫) write Ⅱ名詞1 (字體) style of calligraphy; script:楷書 regular script2...
  1. However, from the perspective of iatrology history, we study the records in shiji and hanshu, the characteristics of the black dog who attacked empress iii, the time from when empress lu was hurt in armpit to when she was died, and her symptom during this period, we can make a conclusion that empress lu was bitten by a dog, then died from hydrophobia

    然而以醫療史的視角,從《史記》 、 《漢書》等對呂后遭遇犬禍記述的異同,襲擊呂后倉狗的出沒特徵,呂後由腋傷、病重到亡故的時間、癥狀及其在此期間的表現,細加考索和探究,人「如意為崇」 、 「妖象犬形」等看似荒誕的記載,實際隱喻著對呂后病狀的合理描述,其中透露出的種種跡象表明:呂后腋傷起於撕狗的抓咬,最後的死亡也是因狂犬病的發作所致。
  2. Taking books copied on silk which was unearthed in the middle time of the han dynasty comparing with the related contents in " yi wen zhi of han book " and treading the documents before the time of liuxiang with the line logic pattern are two mistakes of methodology

  3. The description of the chronological life of ban gu records his legendary life and is convenient for people to learn something about ban gu, history of han dynasty and descriptive accounts of books in dynastic histories

    班固年譜記錄了譜主具有傳奇色彩的一生,為人們了解班固、 《漢書》及《藝文志》提供了依據。
  4. Shiji and hanshu are the important resource on the chinese history research. shiji is the general history and hanshu is the dynastic history. in the records, there are part superpositions between the two works

    《史記》 《漢書》是語史研究的重要資料,其中《史記》是通史, 《漢書》是斷代史,兩中對代歷史的記載有一部分是重合的。
  5. Professor chen chih ' s work is mainly composed of four parts : textual criticism of ran shu, economic history of chin and han dynasty and its relations with people, bamboo slips of chu - yen, and the eaves tiles and pottery inscription

  6. Presented by prince chengqiang to collect different notes from fuqiangs yingshaos jinzhuo etc " hanshu note " of 23 among sui and jin dynasty, yanshigu have finished doing the work of the note for " hanshu " independently

  7. The essence of sima qian ' s and ban gu ' s thoughts are concentrated in their historical commentaries in shiji and hanshu, respectively

    司馬遷和班固的思想,大半分散的表現在《史記》 、 《漢書》各篇的論贊中。
  8. Collected into records of literature of books of han are 31 chapters of it, but now only 24 are left

  9. On song yu ' s works, " han zhi poetry strategy, " set " song yu fu article 16 ", but list title

    摘要關于宋玉的作品, 《漢書?藝文志?詩賦略》載「宋玉賦十六篇」 ,但未列出篇名。
  10. Record of art and culture, history of han dynasty makes a theoretical summary of the phenomenological periodization of chinese novels

  11. This article is to explore the causes for the reprinting of the work only in the form of second printing and also the absence of the first printing in the second edition

    鼎文版系以天津人民出版社1959年版為底本翻印,故嚴格論之, 《漢書新證》的版本只有二種。
  12. For the study of shi ji, han shu and the history of west and east han dynasties, it is of great significance to compare the differences and similarities in sima qian and ban gu ' s historical viewpoints

    摘要比較司馬遷與班固在歷史觀上的差異,對于研究《史記》 、 《漢書》乃至兩歷史有重要意義。
  13. From bibliography angle, the category of zhu - zi, included in han dynasty ' s books list, has a school of novelist, which indicates that the novelist is a school of thought with the same nature as zhuzi

    從目錄學角度來看, 《漢書?藝文志》諸子略列有小說家,只能說明小說家是諸子之一,具有與諸子一樣的性質,是一種學說派別。
  14. In collating, yan can comprehensive many kinds of collation method and quote the other documents and materials extensively to correct the error and forms of " hanshu ", and have more excellent school examples. yanshigu thint highly of resume " hanshu " ancient words and phrases, it was importment to keep original choice of words characteristic and historical written historical materials included of book, play a extremely important role

  15. An analysis of the historical truth, based on relevant records in shi ji and han shu, that confucianism evolves from the margin to the political cultural centre of the han dynasty, reveals that dong zhongshu comes up with the proposal of so - called " rejection of various philosophical schools and exclusive reverence of confucianism " only with the prerequisite that the han - dynasty emperor wu just previously confirms " rejection of various schools and honor of liu jing ", which is motion - seconding rather than motion - initiating

    摘要以《史記》 、 《漢書》相關記載為據,分析儒學由邊緣走向王朝政治又化中心的歷史真相可以看出,董仲舒是在武帝已確認「罷黜百家,表章《六經》 」的前提背景下,才有所謂「罷黜百家,獨尊儒術」之建言,是附議而非創議。
  16. Firstly, we compare the characters, vocabularies and sentences of the corresponding sections and chapters ; secondly, we review the main causation about the modifications ; finally, we study the application of modifications on collating ancient works, interpreting meanings, researching grammar, researching rhetoric, signing punctuation and so on. the study have comprehensive academic value

    本文首先對《史記》 《漢書》異文中所有的字、詞、句進行比較,總結出這三方面的異文表現形式;再考察兩異文產生的主要原因;最研究異文在古籍校勘、詞義訓詁、詞匯研究、語法研究、修辭研究及句讀等語文學科諸方面的運用。
  17. " hanshu note " made a remarkable achievement at the field of collating, xungu and textual criticism. yanshigu absorb the senior " fruit extensively, chose, judged and concurrently makes own purpose

  18. This work was an ancient academic masterpiece, also could be rated as the making of the epoch - making, comprehensive expression of model of the note of " hanshu ". the younger generation could have read " hanshu " and cleared away the obstacles of various fields for the descendant

  19. As early as the han dynasty, there were already records indicating occupation of a person, e. g. “ post - han dynasty record : carriages and dressings ”

    早在代,就有以服飾來標明職業的明確記載, 《后漢書?輿服志》中寫道: 「倘幘收,方三寸,名日納言,示以忠正,顯近職也」 。
  20. The lost city : according to historic records, river keliya is in the territary of qianmi country of the 36 countries of west land, a great power along the silk road, keladun is one of the city of the kingdom, then why build a city in the deep of a desert

    《迷失的城》 :據漢書記載,克里雅河流是當時西域36國中扦爾國的地望,是那時絲路南道國力最強的國家這一,喀拉墩是個王國的一座城池,那麼,為什麼要將一座城池建立在沙漠深處呢?