
中文拼音 [bīn]
動詞1. (緊靠) be close to (the sea, a river, etc. ); border on 2. (臨近; 接近) be on the brink [verge] of; be on the point of
  1. Endangered abies yuanbaoshanensis will probably have been extinct, so it very necessary to studying its genetic diversity with a proper way in order to save this key group of biological diversity in china

  2. Abies yuanbaoshanensis is a guangxi endemic and endangered evergreen coniferous arbor, listed in the red data book of plant in p. r. c, being one of the stated - proteced first - class rare and endangered plants. it is distributed only in yuanbaoshan mountain in northern guangxi

  3. In the present study, aflp ( amplified fragment length polymorphism ) markers was used to examine population of abies yuanbaoshanensis in order to understand the level of population genetic variation and genetic structure. the result would help to evaluate its evolutionary potentiality and the degree of being endangered and could provide scientific basis for making right protection strategy. high - quality dna was extracted using ctab method from those tender leaves of forty - three fully - developed trees in population abies yuanbaoshanensis

    本研究選用一種高效的檢測遺傳變異的分子標記? ? aflp技術來分析元寶山冷杉種群的遺傳多樣性,旨在了解該種群在分佈區內的遺傳變異水平和遺傳結構情況;研究結果將有助於更清楚地認識這一危類群的生存潛力和危程度,而且可以為制定何種挽救和保護措施提供科學的依據。
  4. The experiment uses adiantum reniforme l. var. sinense y. x. lin as material to understand its mating system through the research of ecology and genetics

  5. The site protects key threatened species, including giant arapaima fish, the amazonian manatee, the black caiman and two species of river dolphin

  6. In saudi arabia the ibex may be the only large wild animal that is not threatened with extinction.

  7. I was nearly bankrupt, but your loan saved my bacon.

  8. His incompetence has brought the company to the brink of bankruptcy.

  9. Form. taxus chinensis var. mairei is protecting plant in the first class, which is a precious and endangering plant in china in this paper, the quantitative characterics of form. taxus chinensis vsr. mairei population including age structure, spatial distribution pattern, growth dynamics of tree basal area, niche characterics, fractal dimension and competition between specises were studied using methods of mathematics ecology from the angle of population ecology of form. taxus chinensis var. mairei, then the prent state and the endangering causes were analysed. this research offers gist to protecting and enlarging the crude resourse of form. taxus chinensis vsr. mairei population, afforesting plantation and sustainable utilize for us

    本文從南方紅豆杉種群生態學的角度、主要應用數學生態學的方法探討南方紅豆杉種群的數量特徵,包括南方紅豆杉種群年齡結構、種群空間格局(探討分佈格局動態規律與生境相互關系) 、不同立地條件下種群優勢度增長趨勢、生態位寬度、生態位相似比例、生態位重疊、空間占據能力及種間競爭等,分析其目前現狀及危原因,期望為南方紅豆杉野生資源的保護和擴大、營造人工林及可持續利用提供理論基礎,也為危植物種群生態學的研究提供參考。
  10. The growth dynamics of tree basal area of form. taxus chinensis var. mairei population in different altitude were discussed using the liu - logistic model, and the results showed that the altutide of 790 meters is more suitable to the survive of form. toms chinensis var. mairei population than 990 meters. plot sampling was selected and dynamic analysis was used to study the height structure of taxus chinensis var. mairei population, and the quadrate picture of height structure and the curve of survival rate were drew

  11. Taxus chinensis vsr. mairei population is very oblivious from seeding stage to mature tree stage. the patterns were consistant with the ecological and biological characteristics of form. taxus chinensis var. mairei which were valuable and rare and in severe danger. in this paper, logistic model and liu - logistic model were proposed to approach the growth dynamics of tree basal area of form. taxus chinensis var. mairei population

    南方紅豆杉幼苗表現為較強的聚集分佈,除與種子的散布有關外,生境條件的差異是重要原因之? ,其它發育階段表現為明顯的隨機分佈,表明它在自然群落中分佈的概率很小,反映了南方紅豆杉珍稀危的生態生物學特性和特徵。
  12. The inlet hosts beluga whales, which could soon be added to the endangered species list

  13. His incompetence has brought us to the brink of ruin.

  14. Cultivation technolgy of corydalis saxicola bunting

  15. Great bustard ( otis tarda ) is an important endangered species. it breeds in the north of china

    大鴇( otistarda )是重要的危物種,在中國三北地區有多個繁殖種群。
  16. Situated in cheung sha wan, the endangered species resource centre is the centrepiece of the government s education efforts

  17. The chimpanzee is an endangered species.

  18. With the progress of technology and developing of internet economy in the world, the broadband network becomes another hotspot in internet field when the foam of. com comes to almost nil. with the beginning of new thousand year, hot waves of the broad band surge throughout the country, sorts of investors come and make huge expenses in a constinuous stream to make a majority of marketing lot and lead up the position of broad band market. however, when the net circuity, which is based on huge numbers of cash, is facing the consumers, market really does not redound upon the investors inexpection

    隨著技術的進步和網際網路經濟在全球范圍內的高速發展,寬帶網是繼? com "泡沫"破滅后網際網路產業的又一熱點。新千年開始,全國各地各類投資商紛紛拆巨資"跑馬圈地" ,以期在市場份額上搶占寬帶網市場領先地位,但是當這些"巨額現金'堆成'的網路線路面向用戶時,市場並沒有給投資商們預期的回報,寬帶網運營商不僅投資回收遙遙無期,還要繼續燒掉大量的現金去維持網路的正常運行,大批中小型寬帶網運營商苦苦支撐,有的甚至臨破產。
  19. A follow - up questionnaire based on the seven objectives of the course identified six objectives as having been achieved as a result of the courser a change in attitude away from avoiding talk of death - related topics, identification of personal beliefs and attitudes, giving descriptions of funeral, arrangements, the making of preparations for dying, greater willingness to think about death, identification of terminally ill patients ' emotions and needs

  20. A valid export permit issued by a competent authority of the exporting country is required. the more commonly traded artificially propagated endangered plant species include cacti, aloes, pitcher plants, venus fly - trap, cycads, cyclamens and orchids
