
中文拼音 [měng]
Ⅰ形容詞(猛烈) fierce; valiant; violent; vigorous Ⅱ副詞1. (忽然; 突然) suddenly; abruptly 2. (強烈; 猛烈) fiercely; violently Ⅲ名詞(姓氏) a surname
  1. It is proved by the following representations : the small proportion of bancassurance premium to total premium and revenues of the bank, the big gap of operation scale and developing speed, the similar products between different insurers, the single sale means, the aboil competition in price, the low operation level, the weak speciality of the bank salesmen and lack of after - service

  2. The government blamed a bomb attack on an army bus in colombo on the tigers, and said it would abrogate the truce, which had “ ceased to have any meaning ”

    當天在科倫坡發生了一起針對一輛運兵大巴的炸彈襲擊,政府指責虎組織應對此次事件負責,並且聲稱將廢除休戰協議,因為「它已經沒有任何意義了」 。
  3. I pressed the accelerator until the engine screamed.

  4. He got home pretty late that night, and when he climbed cautiously in at the window, he uncovered an ambuscade, in the person of his aunt ; and when she saw the state his clothes were in her resolution to turn his saturday holiday into captivity at hard labor became adamantine in its firmness

  5. The government said the attack, the first such aerial bombing by the tigers - - who claim to have built up an air force - - was aimed at the military base and did not cause any damage to the adjacent civilian airport

    政府說這次襲擊,這是第一次發起的空中投彈襲擊- - -虎組織已經承認是針對軍事基地而發起的襲擊,並且沒有對周邊平民機場造成損害
  6. Today the grievous pangs of falling wages and rising unemployment afflicted the whole community.

  7. Quick and watchful, the agile greek leaped lightly aside, and struck so fell and dexterous a blow on the head of the snake.

  8. The air bases were subjected to intense air attack

  9. With caustic wit, he made a fierce assault on the alchemists.

  10. The furious advance of the allies suddenly subsided.

  11. This episode is set 152 million years ago and follows the life of a new - born diplodocus female who survives an attack by the vicious allosaurus

  12. Suggestions that they were the direct descendants of theropod dinosaurs ( a group of bipedal meat - eaters that include allosaurus, velociraptor and tyrannosaurus ) caused quite a flap

    有人說它是獸腳恐龍的後代(獸腳恐龍是一群食肉的兩足恐龍,其中包括異龍、迅龍與暴龍) ,這引起了學界很大的注意。
  13. I suddenly felt entirely alone.

  14. She stabbed him with a glance of amazonian fierceness and drew in lower lip.

  15. Happily, however, there was sleep in beauvais that night to help them out of it, and they passed on once more into solitude and loneliness : jingling through the untimely cold and wet, among impoverished fields that had yielded no fruits of the earth that year, diversified by the blackened remains of burnt houses, and by the sudden emergence from ambuscade, and sharp reining up across their way, of patriot patrols on the watch on all the roads

  16. Various good dinners, living fierce seafood, western meal hall : european style, luxurious. we can provide the euro - americana western and kinds of meal. great and small hall is entirely different and the facilities is complete. we have 5 channel simultaneous interpretation, can summit for business, the important activity place offering of large international conference, seminaretc

  17. Easy with that, men - easy, he ran on, to the fellows who were shifting the powder ; and then suddenly observing me examining the swivel we carried amidships, a long brass nine - here, you ship s boy, he cried, out o that

    「別急,伙計們慢慢來, 」他不住地向正在抬火藥的弟兄們說著,接著,他然注意到我正在察看我們搬到船中部來的那座旋轉炮一支黃銅的長「雪茄」 。
  18. In many instances isocyanates react vigorously with water, alcohols, and amines.

  19. They proposed a heavy and concentrated amphibious assault.

  20. Barrett threw open the door, anderson dashed in and stepped to one side, and barrett threw the light switch.
