環境輻射計 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [huánjìngshè]
環境輻射計 英文
environmental radiometer
  • : Ⅰ名詞1 (環子) ring; hoop 2 (環節) link 3 (姓氏) a surname Ⅱ動詞(圍繞) surround; encircle;...
  • : 名詞1 (疆界; 邊界) border; boundary 2 (地方; 區域) place; area; territory 3 (境況; 境地) co...
  • : 名詞(車輪中車轂和輪圈的連接物) spoke
  • : Ⅰ動詞1 (用推力或彈力送出) shoot; fire 2 (液體受到壓力迅速擠出) discharge in a jet 3 (放出) ...
  • : Ⅰ動詞1 (計算) count; compute; calculate; number 2 (設想; 打算) plan; plot Ⅱ名詞1 (測量或計算...
  • 環境 : environment; surroundings; circumstances; ambient; closeness; ambience; ambiance; atmosphere
  • 輻射 : radiation; exposure; radio; beaming
  1. Because it ’ s hard to get radiation - harden hardware overseas, so the software fault tolerance techniques are significant for our national space enterprise. the computer platform of 863 plan project ” micro intelligent free - flying space robotic system ” consists of cots component. the orbit and the radiation environment of the robot are similar to ones of the argos satellite, and the system is required to have high reliability. therefore it ’ s necessary to applied the software fault tolerance techniques into the system to improve the anti - radiation capability after the techniques been verified valid

    因為我國很難從國外獲得加固的硬體,所以,這項軟體容錯技術對我國航天事業的發展具有較大意義。 863劃項目「小型智能飛行機器人系統」所用的算機平臺採用商用器件,其衛星的運行軌道與argos衛星軌道近似,面臨的與argos衛星相似,要求具有高可靠性。因此,小型智能飛行機器人系統有必要在驗證sihft技術有效的基礎上,應用軟體容錯技術,提高其空間抗能力。
  2. To keep the environment people live in, we should restrict or prevent many kinds of pollution, which includes electromagnetic radiation pollution. while we are considering setting up base station or evaluating the electromagnetism pollution of environment, we can measure on the spot. to save time, hard work and cost taken by measuring on spot, it is necessary to calculate and analyze the electromagnetic wave propagation in urban area

  3. Environmental radiation monitoring programme ermp

  4. Environmental radiation monitoring programme

  5. To the influence of the plateau terrain, the impact of the elevation and the roughness of terrain to every energy component out and incoming are study, and basing the soil spectrum model proposed above, a new radiative transfer model of terrain area was put forwarded in which the soil water content, lai, terrain roughness and elevation were considered synchronously, and incoming scatter light was integral with the solid angle of semi - globe space defined by the slope of the pixel, so scattering lights of terrain and the sky are properly considered, but the operation is still within the acceptable range

    地形與反率的關系是本文研究的一個重點。本文對崎嶇山地象元的各入光和反(散)光分量進行了深入分析,在所提出的濕潤土壤光譜模型和植被冠層模型的基礎之上進一步提出了新的適合青藏高原的山地傳輸模型。該模型同時考慮了土壤含水量、植被覆蓋( lai ) 、地形起伏和海拔高度的影響,並以象元坡面定義的半球空間立體角對光進行積分,使周圍地形和天空散光均得到適當考慮,算量又在可接受范圍內。
  6. Using the matlab tools, a computer program is compiled to solve this mathematic model, by which simulations to the thermal environment of the heated space under different heating style are carried out. the simulations results and their analysis show that for different space with the same thermal comfort index, the energy consumption of low - temperature water floor radiant heating system is less than that of convection heating system

  7. This was expanded into the environmental radiation monitoring programme in 1987, with the objective of measuring the environmental radiation levels in hong kong prior to and after the operation of the guangdong nuclear power plant at daya bay. air, water, soil and food samples are regularly collected for radioactivity measurement

  8. In this paper, the target radiate characteristics and waveband selection of the infrared system reviewed briefly ; the suppression of the stray radiation in the infrared sub - system is discussed ; the material selection, the support structure and optimization of the primary mirror in the infrared sub - system of the theodolite, every factor which will affect the surface figure of the mirror is discussed in detail and get the result that in the circumstance of shooting range, the primary factor which affects the surface figure of the mirror in the infrared sub - system is temperature changing, this ca n be resolved by using material of low expansion coefficient and using same material in the mirror and the mirror seat

  9. The rate of single event upset ( seu ) for space - based missions has been predicted by means of ground - based particle accelerator test and simulation calculation based on models of space radiation environment and the interaction of ions with the microelectronic device

  10. Given the thermal physical parameters of the envelops and the weather data, the above two parameters are determined by the following system design parameters : radiant panel dimension, radiant panel location and radiant panel layout style ( center or peripheral ). based on the thermal net model, digital analysis of the energy consumption and thermal environment are carried out to the several representative spaces under different design parameters, through which the relations of the heating load to the design parameters are obtained and can be a reference in the practical system design

    對于給定圍護結構熱物性參數和室外氣候參數的條件下,室內平均溫度和室內空氣溫度的大小取決于系統的設參數:板的布置方式(周邊布置和中心布置) 、板尺寸和板鋪設位置。基於熱網模型,利用matlab軟體編程對採暖空間在不同設參數下室內的熱和能耗進行數值分析,得出了低溫熱水地板採暖系統的性能和能耗指標隨這些參數變化的規律,從而為低溫熱水地板採暖系統的優化設提供了參考。
  11. This paper introduces the real - time radiation monitoring system and discusses the main consideration for the design of the monitoring system, selection of monitoring points and monitoring items, and configurattion of the monitoring system

  12. It can be seen from the measuring results that the deviation is litter than 10. 1 % when the estimate value of the nature radiation ' s kerma is compared to the average value gotten by standard ionization chamber, and the deviation is less than 16. 2 % when the estimate value of two groups of tlds those measuring radiation in laboratory is compared to the conventional true value in standard radiation field

    從參比單位給出的測量結果看出,天然比釋動能測量的評定值與標準電離室測量的平均值比較,其偏差好於10 . 1 % ,實驗室線照組兩組熱釋光劑量( tld )測量評定值與標準約定真值偏差好於16 . 2 % 。
  13. Ermp monitoring results over the years show that there is no measurable increase in radiation levels in hong kong arising from the operation of the gnps and lnps. figure 3

  14. Analysis on radiation field around ht - 7u tokamak device using 1 - ddiscrete ordinates transport code anisn

  15. The programme entered the second phase in 1992, which is an on - going programme so that any long term changes in the environmental radioactivity can be determined

  16. In this paper, some factors influencing its temperature field have been synthetically analyzed including the ambient temperature, solar radiation, air convection and sky radiation, ground radiation and so on. the hourly temperature of the roof and walls of the tested building in summer and winter was calculated with the finite element software - ansys. the results from calculation had well consistent with the experimental results

  17. Ermp enables the monitoring of any changes in radiation levels in hong kong including those arising from the operation of the gnps since 1994 as well as its neighbouring lingao nuclear power station lnps which started operation in 2002

  18. Ermp enables the monitoring of any changes in radiation levels in hong kong including those arising from the operation of the gnps since 1994 as well as its neighbouring lingao nuclear power station ( lnps ) which started operation in 2002

  19. In connection with implementation of the guangdong nuclear power station gnps at daya bay, the observatory expanded its monitoring activities in the late 1980 s to a full - scale environmental radiation monitoring programme ermp

  20. In connection with implementation of the guangdong nuclear power station ( gnps ) at daya bay, the observatory expanded its monitoring activities in the late 1980 s to a full - scale environmental radiation monitoring programme ( ermp )
