
中文拼音 []
名詞(村莊; 屯) village (often used in village names)
  1. Add : xiwangtong village, chengyang district, qingdao

  2. Rapid driving of eastern railway transportation tunnel of xutuan coal mine

  3. Practices on rapid construction in freezing section of auxiliary shaft in suntong mine

  4. Standard specification for crosslinked polyethylene insulation for wire and cable rated 2001 to 35 000 v

    繆刮? 001到35000v的電線和電纜用交聯聚乙烯絕緣材料的標準規范
  5. The paper selects baijiataun village and beizhai village which have diversiform landforms and land use types as the typical regions of positive research, classifies the detailed landscape type to these two villages separately by the method of function and configuration of rural landscape. as a result, 1 landscape region, 3 landscape types, 9 subtypes and 28 landscape units are to be classified in the baijiatuan village. as far as beizhai village is concerned, its four - layer classification system includes 1 landscape region, 3 landscape types, 9 landscape subtypes and 32 landscape units

    實證研究以地貌類型和土地利用方式比較典型的北京市海淀區白家村和懷柔區北宅村為例,運用鄉村景觀功能形態分類方法,分別對這兩個村進行了詳細的景觀類型劃分;其中白家村共劃分了1個景觀區、 3個景觀類、 9個景觀亞類和28個景觀單元;而北宅村共劃分了1個景觀區、 3個景觀類、 9個景觀亞類和32個景觀單元;在此基礎上,藉助于supermap軟體平臺,編制了白家村和北宅村的景觀類型圖。