
中文拼音 [piǎo]
動詞(斜著眼睛看) look sidelong [askance] at; glance sideways at
  1. He glanced a trifle apprehensively towards the crowded ballroom.

  2. Shake not head, feet, or legs rowl not the eyes lift not one eyebrow higher than the other, wry not the mouth, and bedew no mans face with your spittle, by approaching too near him when you speak

  3. He read a few lines, and looked wrathfully at berg

  4. Gus stood at the table, toying with a cue stick, his eyes straying lazily over the billiard balls scattered about the table in the array of an unfinished game.

  5. She glanced at him with a brief smile.

  6. The girl came into the suite with uncertain steps, peering from cleveland to madeline.

  7. The sidewise look and a pull at the beard expressed concurrence with a naughty erotic taste.

  8. What a darling this papa is ! she cried, kissing him, and she glanced again at pierre with the unconscious coquetry that had come back with her fresh interest in life

    這個爸爸! 」她一邊說,一邊親吻他,她又了一眼皮埃爾,帶著她那又恢復了的不自覺的嫵媚與活潑。
  9. She darted him a mischievous intimate glance.

  10. She darted a look at him when he was coming in.

  11. Nim glanced sideways at ruth, who was smiling at the demonstrative reception.

  12. " certainly, women alone know how to dissimulate, " said monte cristo to himself, glancing at madame danglars, who was smiling on the procureur, and embracing his wife

    「的確,只有女人才知道怎麼裝模作樣。 」他自己心裏說,同時了一眼騰格拉爾夫人,騰格拉爾夫人此時正在對檢察官微笑,然後他擁抱了一下他的妻子。
  13. She turned her eloquent eyes upon him.

  14. I gave them a glance, and suddenly the enormity of what i had done fell upon me.

  15. Lonnie could see the other end of the filling station from the corner of his eye.

  16. She then put one small, beautifully shaped hand on her immense hip and swirled around for another look.

  17. She glanced at the sleeping child and then hurried away.

  18. Now tom shivered from head to heel, for his eyes fell upon the stolid face of injun joe.

  19. I blow him out about you, buck mulligan said, and then you come along with your lousy leer and your gloomy jesuit jibes. - i see little hope, stephen said, from her or from him

    「我對他把你大吹了一通, 」勃克穆利根說, 「可你卻令人不快地斜眼著,搬弄你那套耶酥會士的陰郁的嘲諷。 」
  20. Albert glanced carelessly at the different missives, selected two written in a small and delicate hand, and enclosed in scented envelopes, opened them and perused their contents with some attention. " how did these letters come ? " said he
