
中文拼音 []
名詞(古代于春秋兩季在水邊舉行的一種祭禮) ancient festival in spring and autumn held on water banks to drink and cleanse away the evil influences
  1. Major activities in the festival include : worship of wang xizhi, renovation of works, calligraphy display and exhibition

  2. The museum - quality reproduction is on permanent display in the official reception room of the new peking university library

  3. This museum - quality reproduction is the official, prestigious gift of peking university to its most distinguished guests for the centennial celebrations throughout this year

  4. Professor hou renzhi, peking university s internationally renowned chinese historical geographer, recommended reproduction of the painting for the centennial celebrations

  5. This greatly treasured late ming dynasty painting by the famous ming dynasty court calligraphy and collector of " marvelous and monumental stones, mi wanzhong, has been officially reproduced for peking university s centennial celebration

  6. It was an ancient tradition in china for people to go for an outing by the water, during the 3rd day of the 3rd lunar calendar month, where they would enjoy themselves at a picnic, pluck orchids, and to rid themselves of any bad luck. ( the day of nantah ' s first convocation ceremony 2nd april 1960 fell on the 7th day of the 3rd lunar calendar month )

    所謂「修」 ,乃中國古代的風俗,每年農歷3月3日,古人會結群,同到郊野有池水的地方,在那兒野宴、采蘭,表示除去一切不祥污穢(其實陽歷1960年4月2日舉辦南大周時,正是陰歷3月7日) 。