舊棉絮 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [jiùmián]
舊棉絮 英文
  • : Ⅰ形容詞1 (過去的; 過時的) past; bygone; old 2 (因經過長時間或經過使用而變色或變形的) used; wo...
  • : Ⅰ名詞1 (草棉和木棉的統稱) a general term for cotton and kapok2 (棉花) cotton Ⅱ形容詞(填棉絮...
  • : 絮名詞(姓氏) a surname
  • 棉絮 : 1. (棉花纖維) cotton fibre2. (棉被胎) a cotton wadding; cotton batting
  1. The student said " hello " to all of us when we met him. he was thin and his face was black, seems that he was undernourished. his father brushed the chairs with his sleeves immediately, asked us to sit down. his mother leaned the door with foolish smile all the time. it was even poorer of their family than our thought. the lime had started to come off as the wind and rain damage, the sunshine got through their house, shadow was remained on the sap of floor. two small rooms, a kitchen, a quadrate desk and some chairs here, there were not anything else ; the other one was bedroom, two beds were squeezed together. the bedding wasn ' t new any more and turned white, cotton was come out from the clothes. the only thing was what one old desk was cleaned well, it should be his book desk, there were some books on it
