
中文拼音 [miáo]
名詞1. (初生的種子植物) seedling; sprout; shoots 2. (初生的飼養動物) the young of some animals 3. (疫苗) vaccine 4. (形狀像苗的) sth. resembling a young plant 5. (姓氏) a surname 6. (苗族) short for the miao nationality
  1. Maricultural technologic regulation of abalone. seedling

  2. The traits showed when the viviparous plantlets abscise and disperse that the dispersing behavior for the viviparous plantlets is adaptable to the special environment

  3. Acclimation of foliar photosynthetic apparatus of three tropical woody species to growth irradiance

  4. The effects of cold acclimation on the freezing resistance and total soluble protein in populus tomentosa seedlings

  5. The experiment showed that the method could identify acerose endogen weed correctly

  6. Effect of calcicum on muskmelon seedling harmed by acid rain

  7. Vaccination with dtwp opv can be continued with dtap - ipv and this transition is both safe and effective in acquiring immunity for your child

    以新疫dtap - ipv代替原有疫dtwp opv不但安全,而且能為兒童提供有效的免疫保護。
  8. Can my baby acquire immunity if he she receives some doses of dtwp opv and some doses of dtap - ipv vaccines ? will there be any adverse effects from such a programme

    以新舊兩種疫dtap - ipv及dtwp opv完成接種能否為幼兒帶來有效的保護此接種方法會否引起不良效果
  9. The effect of 5406 actinomyces on the growth of wheat seedling were studied

  10. The results showed that 5406 actinomyces can improve the wheat seedling ' s height, root system and stalk leaf weight, can increase content of chlorophyll and root system activity in sterilized sand culture

  11. Slim turbaned indians blew through long pipes of reed or brass and charmed-or feigned to charm-great hooded snakes and horrible horned adders.

  12. Adsorbate bacterins can vary in potency, which affects the level and duration of protection.

  13. 3. shading levels effected on the growth of cultivated plantlet from adventitious buds in plastic house. lower shading level could increase the root development including root number, fresh weight and dry weight

  14. Tree seedling quality grading of major species for afforestation

  15. Agronomic testing of the selections begins in line tests established from the seedling nurseries, usually single row 3-6 ft long.

  16. There she stood, so slender, so elegant, so airy and undulating in all her motions.

  17. Preliminary study on spring wheat albinism in the prosess of molecular breeding

  18. The effect of water on the growth of seedling alfalfa

  19. Heamagglutination tests were applied to detect virus in allantoic fluid of chicken embryos which were infected by b95 gathered from the vaccinated chickens " cloacal and oral cavity. the results show that the virus may be detected from 2 days to 11 days after the chicken being vaccinated. the hi antibodies were measured by heamagglutination inhibition tests. there is no significant difference between the immunized and the control chickens which were fed in one case. chickens were immunized with b95 by different immunization meathods or with different vaccines by the same meathod. lt is demonstrated that eyedrop, drinking water, spray or muscle injection all can stimulate good effects, but eyedrop and spray seem to be the best meathods. b95 immunized chicken have relatively higher hi titers and it also can last for a longer time than others

    但如果兩者相隔10天以上免疫, b95免疫不受h120的影響;如果同時免疫b95和h120 ,加大b95的免疫劑量也能獲得良好的免疫效果。用棉拭子采b95免疫雞口腔、泄殖腔的分泌液,檢測其中病毒的存在,結果免疫后2 11天雞口腔和泄殖腔中均有病毒的存在,說明b95免疫雞帶毒時間長。研究結果表明, b95具有不受母源抗體干擾、 hi抗體產生快、水平高、持續時間長、同居擴散性強等特點,因此b95是一株優良的、具開發前景的新的新城疫疫株。
  20. Then he took prune buds from healthy prune trees and grafted them onto the young almond trees.
