
中文拼音 [mào]
名詞[書面語] (長度) length
  1. Predators that stalk the deepest woods and the darkest urban alleyways

  2. Have you ever seat in an infinity of wasteland alone, a “ the spirit of the laws ” in hands, facing the beauteous setting sun, reciting or musing every now and then

    你有否曾獨自一人,坐在一個廣無垠的荒原,手拿著一本《論法的精神》 ,面對著美麗的落日,時而默默吟誦,時而掩卷沉思?
  3. Then follows the length and breadth in leagues.

  4. We had never stepped into such a cavernous space

  5. The vast champaign was covered with thick snow

  6. Nor could i pass unnoticed the suggestion of the bleak shores of lapland, siberia, spitzbergen, nova zembla, iceland, greenland, with the vast sweep of the arctic zone, and those forlorn regions of dreary space, - that reservoir of frost and snow, where firm fields of ice, the accumulation of centuries of winters, glazed in alpine heights above heights, surround the pole and concentre the multiplied rigours of extreme cold

    還有些地方我也不能看都不看,一翻而過,那就是書中提到的拉普蘭西伯利亞斯匹次卑爾根群島新地島冰島和格陵蘭荒涼的海岸。 「廣無垠的北極地帶和那些陰凄凄的不毛之地,宛若冰雪的儲存庫。千萬個寒冬所積聚成的堅冰,像阿爾卑斯山的層層高峰,光滑晶瑩,包圍著地極,把與日俱增的嚴寒匯集於一處。 」
  7. At the point c, the star develops a convection zone extending from near the surface deep into the extended envelope.

  8. But the atmosphere does succeed in making a surprisingly large amount of the earth's surface fit for human habitation.

  9. We have no vast mountain ranges, no illimitable plains, no leagues of forest, and are deprived of the grandeur that may accompany these things

  10. This is a vast land filled with wonder and romance, where tourist attractions can be found everywhere in the luxuriate forests of the scenic changbai mountain and xing an mountain, on the fertile fields of the vast plains, and along the golden beaches of the liaodong peninsula

  11. The actual world, to say nothing of the infinite universe, demanded a sterner, a real masculine character.

  12. Wishing to hearten a timid lamp great night lights all her stars

  13. Fostered by the refulgent history of 5000 years and the fertile soil of 10 million kilometers, our chinese stands towering in the east of the world

  14. But this is not the open plains of siberia

  15. One of alaska ' s most heavily trafficked areas, the kenai peninsula abounds with postcard views ? snowcapped mountains, rivers that roil with spawning salmon, an abundant supply of moose, bears, eagles, and puffins, four active volcanoes, and a gigantic, otherworldly icescape, harding icefield

    奇奈半島是阿拉斯加最繁忙的交通要道,有著許多如明信片般的風光:大雪覆蓋的山峰,充滿了鮭魚的河流,隨處可見的的駝鹿,熊,鷹和海雀,四座活火山,還有一片廣的,恍如隔世般的冰景- -哈丁冰原。
  16. As he drove into arbatsky square, the immense expanse of dark, starlit sky lay open before pierres eyes

  17. After this season of congealed dampness came a spell of dry frost, when strange birds from behind the north pole began to arrive silently on the upland of flintcomb - ash ; gaunt spectral creatures with tragical eyes - eyes which had witnessed scenes of cataclysmal horror in inaccessible polar regions of a magnitude such as no human being had ever conceived, in curdling temperatures that no man could endure ; which had beheld the crash of icebergs and the slide of snow hills by the shooting light of the aurora ; been half blinded by the whirl of colossal storms and terraqueous distortions ; and retained the expression of feature that such scenes had engendered

  18. Yet at times like this, in the face of such horrible news, when friends and family are so distant and we ' re surrounded by people who can ' t begin to imagine how we feel, the world can feel agonizingly, painfully huge

  19. The buildings were set among old trees widespread playing fields.

  20. In winter, when the land is blanketed with ice and snow, guandong becomes a more enchanting traveler s wonderland of unique northern scenery
