
中文拼音 []
Ⅰ動詞(解釋古代語言文字或方言字義) explain archaic or dialectal words in current languageⅡ名詞(古語詞) archaic words; archaism
  1. Qing scholars turned their attention to textual studies of the classics in the eighteenth century and established the qian - jia school of scholarship, making encouraging advances in the interpretation of words in confucian classics, textual criticism, philology, epigraphy and phonology

    清代乾隆、嘉慶兩朝,考據之風盛行,訓、文字、金石、音韻等專門學科得到突破性發展,時稱"乾嘉學派" 。
  2. And efforts have also been tried, at the viewpoint of the history of academic studies, to give accounts of and comments on the various specific subjects including philology, phonology, critical interpretation of ancient texts, bibliography, edition study, textual criticism, false detecting, compiling, note, nomenclature, institution, epigraphy, official rank, geomancy, taboo, astronomy, mathematics and temperament, etc., from which to extract the academic consciousness, mothed and achievements of the scholars in qianlong ( ) and jiaqing ( ) period

  3. A preliminary discussion on contemporary studies of exegesis

  4. The stages of study on yi xun of chinese exegesis in the 20th century

  5. The vocation of the meaning of a word and the creativity of the textual exegesis

  6. He commanded profound knowledge of astronomy, mathematics, confucian classics, calendar calculation, geography, local gazetteer, phonology and exegesis

  7. To some degree, he agreed with dai zhen ' s opinions on the study of reasons, however, neither dai zhen ' s ideas to study the reasons by exegesis of meaning of words nor zhang xuecheng ' s thoughts was accepted at that time

  8. Suwen ( 素 問 ) is a sub - school of collation school. second , we made a general analysis to 195 cases of collating and exegetics of suwen ( 素 問 ) made by hushu ( 胡 澎 ) 、 yuyue ( 俞 樾 ) 、 sunyirang ( 孫 詒 讓 ) 、 yuchang ( 于 鬯 ) , and compared them with the contents of textural research of the exegetic school in the former part of the dissertation

  9. So , this dissertation focused on these main ways of traditional chinese philology , such as the ways of philology , phonology and exegetics , and basing on the particularity of medicine documents , summed up roundly a system of the ways of anhui - school plain - ology about collating and exegetics of suwen ( 素 問 ) from five angles - the way of distinguishing the forms , the way of discussing the pronunciations , the way of explaining the meanings , the way of collation , the way of explaining the medical principles , and by comparing it with the exegetic school , made a farther summarization to the characteristics of the collative school from such ways - the style of study , the spirit of study and the way of study , etc

  10. The people who studied neijing ( 內 經 ) historieally can be classified as two sorts ? the exegetes in collation and exegetes in commentaries of medicine books. the former such as duanyucai ( 段 玉 裁 ) 、 hushu ( 胡 澎 ) 、 yuyue ( 俞 樾 ) 、 sunyirang ( 孫 詒 讓 ) 、 yuchang ( 于 鬯 ), who belonged to anhui school of the experts in plain - ology , paid their attentions to textual researeh for contextual contents as their style of study , and the latter sueh as wangbing ( 王 冰 ) 、 wukun ( 吳 昆 ) 、 zhangjiebin ( 張 介 賓 ) 、 mashi ( 馬 蒔 ) 、 zhangzhicong ( 張 志 聰 ) , who all were famous physicians , paid their attentions to the explaining of medical principles as their style of study. a famous professor of the conteeporary era , qianchaochen ( 錢 超 塵 ) , pointed out clearly that there are two schools in the exegetical history of neijing ( 內 經 ) - the collative school and the exegetic school. but up to date , in the field of chinese medicine , the collative school has been short of being studied. this dissertation mainly study the collative school , and select suwen ( 素 問 ) collative school , which is consisted of hushu ( 胡 澎 ) 、 yuyue ( 俞 樾 ) 、 sunyirang ( 孫 詒 讓 ) 、 yuchang ( 于 鬯 ), as the object to discuss the far - reaching influence of plain - ology to the study of medical documents

  11. Then , in order to open out the difference of the ways of their study between the collative school and the exegetic school , we have introduced 53 typical cases of textual research , which separately belong to five parts - distinguishing the forms , discussing the pronunciations , explaining the meanings , collation , explaining the medical principles , in the latter part of dissertation , and introduced every case by the order - [ original text ] [ collation and exegesis of past years ] [ textual research of anhui school ] [ commentary ]

  12. A brief discussion on philosophy of exegetics

  13. The difference and mutual complement in the study of vocabulary and the meaning of words between exegetics and modern lexicology

  14. Re - explaining the cultural connotation of genius - and - beauty novelistic ideasin current language

  15. As to undecided judgment, he would reserve all sides of different view. in xungu, yanshigu pay much attention to phonetic notation norm, stress standardly, asking justice with the sound, the sound which has solved the unfamiliar word is read and justice is trained

  16. Chen hongshou ( 1768 - 1822 ), with the sobriquet mansheng, was a native of qiantang ( present - day hangzhou ), zhejiang province

    清代乾隆、嘉慶年間,訓、文字、金石學等興盛,時稱"乾嘉學派" 。
  17. The ancient toponymy in er - ya and the chinese toponymy linguistics

  18. This dissertation is consisted of two parties , and these as following are its main content - first , we have looked backward into the academic origin of suwen ( 素 問 ) collative school. this dissertation has sorted out a clue that the learning developed from the field of plain - ology to the field of the medicine. when qian - jia plain - ology was at its height , the object of textual research of anhui - school plain - ology had extended from confucian sutra to the astronomy and geography , historical institutions , medicine , agriculture , calendar , etc. due to extending to medicine books , a system of textual research that belonged to anhui - school plain - ology , and its contents of study relate to many ways of medicine , such as neijing ( 內 經 ) 、 shanghan ( 份 寒 ) 、 bencao ( 本草 ) and other subjects of clinic

    本論文首次整理展示了一條由樸學向醫學領域滲透的學術發展軌跡。乾嘉樸學鼎盛時期,皖派樸學的考據對象已從儒家經書擴展到醫學、農業、歷算等科技典籍。向醫學文獻的滲透,很自然地形成了一條皖派樸學醫學考證流派體系,內容涉及醫學諸多方面,如《內經》 、 《傷寒》 、 《本草》以及臨床諸科, 《素問》校則是其中的重要內容。
  19. The constituent order related to adverbs

  20. Some theoretical problems in the methods of exegetical studies
