
中文拼音 [bēn]
賁形容詞[書面語] (裝飾得很美) beautifully decorated [adorned]
  1. A portion of the cardia is demonstrated above the diaphragm.

  2. A case - control study on gastric cardia cancer in fujian

  3. Case - control study on gastric cardia cancer

  4. A ring of muscle, the cardiac sphincter, surrounds the esophagus at this point.

  5. Rapid - sequence induction : anesthesia is most commonly induced by the method of rapid - sequence induction, in which rapid administration of an ultra - short - acting barbiturate ( e. g., thiopental ) is followed by a depolarizing muscle relaxant ( e. g., succinylcholine )

    快速序貫誘導:誘導麻醉最常用的是快速序貫誘導方法,應用此法時先快速給予超短時作用的巴比妥(如硫妥鈉) ,接著給去極化的肌肉鬆弛劑(如琥珀膽堿) 。
  6. Boston ' s balloon dilatation for treatment of cardiac achalasia

  7. Ben kunlong 1978 diseases of laboratory macaques. science press , beijing , china

  8. Personally, lama phuntsok has a connection with rinpoche, saljey rinpoche also knew lama phuntsok ' s parents who lived in sikkim and often came to see him

  9. A rapid - sequence induction : anesthesia is most commonly induced by the method of rapid - sequence induction, in which rapid administration of an ultra - short - acting barbiturate ( e. g., thiopental ) is followed by a depolarizing muscle relaxant ( e. g., succinylcholine )

    快速序貫誘導:誘導麻醉最常用的是快速序貫誘導方法,應用此法時先快速給予超短時作用的巴比妥(如硫妥鈉) ,接著給去極化的肌肉鬆弛劑(如琥珀膽堿) 。
  10. The main use of chinese medicine, the cooperation of chinese and western medicine treats the acute and chronic gastritis, the stomach precancerous lesion, difficult curative digestive ulcer, the ulcerous colitis, irritable colon syndrome, and cures stoma narrowness, the benign and malignancy narrowness of esophagus cardiac and gastriointestinal tract polyps under the electronic stomach and intestines mirror with the laser and microwave

  11. Clinical analysis of disturbance of intrathoracic gastric emptying after resection of esophageal or gastric cardial carcinoma

  12. Rehaemorrhagia rate was 15. 6 %. [ conclusions ] pericardial devascularization is a relatively ideal operation for treatment of bleeding in gev of portal hypertension

  13. Discussion of the crack in the wall of ben jiaji second lifting water hinge construction

  14. Fundic glands of stomach is simple gland or branched tubular gland, cardiac gland is branched tubular gland, pylorie gland is vesicular gland, mucous cell in the fundic gland of stomachs cardiac gland and pylorie gland all secrete neutral mucous

  15. Objective : to establish a rat model of orthotopic gastric isotransplantation by using microsurgical techniques. methods : 70 sd rats were used in our experiment and 35 gastric trasplantations were carried out. in the donor ' s operation : after the spleen was resected and the proper liver artery was ligated, the stomach was perfused through the abdominal aorta. then the stomach was resected with its peripheral blood vessels including celiac trunk and the portal vein, etc. in the recipient operation : after the stomach and the spleen were reseeted, the implantation was performed by the following sequence : the end - to - side anastomosis between the portal veins. the end - to - end anastomosis between the celiac trunk and the left gastric artery. open the blood flow to observe the effect of the blood supply of the stomach. the end - to - end anastomosis between the duodenum. the end - to - end anastomosis between the cardiac and the esophagus. results : 35transplantations were carried out in which the operation success rate in the last 20 cases was 80 ( 16 / 20 ). the average operation time was 2. 35 h. the longest survival time was over three months. conclusions : the model of orthotopic gastric transplantation in rat was successfully established. it could be used to study the transplanted stomach in the abdominal multiviseeral transplantation and the reconstruction after the total gastrectomy

    目的應用顯微外科技術,建立大鼠原位異體胃移植模型.方法70隻sd大鼠,行35例次的胃移值手術.供體手術,先切除脾臟,經腹主動脈行原位胃冷灌洗.將胃及其所屬血管,包括腹腔乾和門靜脈乾等一併切取.受體手術,先切除胃和脾臟,分別行供、受體間門靜脈的端側吻合,供體腹腔干與受體胃左動脈的端端吻合,然後開放血流.再行供體和受體十二指腸間端端吻合,門與食管端端吻合.結果在施行的35例手術,后20例中有16例成功,成功率為80 .最長存活者達3個月.結論成功地建立了大鼠原位異體胃移植類型.該模型可用於腹部多臟器移植中移植胃的相關研究及全胃切除術後代胃的研究
  16. Treatment with rifapentine for 150 patiens with tuberculosis

  17. Forty cases clinical observation on rifapentine remedy to tuberculosis

  18. There is a cave right up near bearpen branch, we played some music up there,

  19. Lama phuntsok is an artist who paints in traditional as well as contemporary styles

  20. - never occurred to me they were outliers - it ain ' t nowhere near bearpen branch
