蹲跳 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [dūntiào]
蹲跳 英文
  • : 動詞1. (兩腿盡量彎曲, 像坐的樣子, 但臀部不著地) squat on the heels; crouch 2. (比喻呆著或閑居) stay
  • : 動詞1 (腿用力彈起) jump; leap; skip; bounce 2 (彈力使物體突然向上移動) spring; leap 3 (一起...
  1. Operating : player 1 : q w e qingquan time fila z c go left right to go jump ball player squat two i o p qingquan weight boxer fila go left key left right to go up down key jump squat right

    操作:玩家1 : q w e輕拳重拳摔z c左走右走s x下玩家2 i o p輕拳重拳摔左右鍵左走右走上下鍵
  2. Key on the keyboard to jump, keys squat, right before the roll, flexibility in the use of these three key can help you jumped over obstacles

  3. Key about control of the keyboard movement on the key jump, squat down keys, the space bar attack, or z key 1 - 7 for weapons, p bond suspended

    鍵盤左右鍵控制移動,上鍵躍,下鍵下,空格鍵攻擊, 1 - 7或z - m鍵換武器, p鍵暫停。
  4. I ve said i did not love her, and rather relished mortifying her vanity now and then : besides, she hurt me extremely ; so i started up from my knees, and screamed out, oh, miss, that s a nasty trick

    我已經說過我不愛她,而且時時以傷害她的虛榮心為樂何況她把我弄得非常痛,所以我本來著的,馬上起來,大叫: 「啊,小姐,這是很下流的手段!
  5. Apparently she thought it only proper to show an interest in the general conversation and to smile. but against her own will, her eyes turned under their thick, long lashes to her cousin, who was going away into the army, with such girlish, passionate adoration, that her smile could not for one moment impose upon any one, and it was clear that the kitten had only perched there to skip off more energetically than ever and to play with her cousin as soon as they could, like boris and natasha, get out of the drawing - room

    顯然她認為面露微笑去諦聽眾人談話是一種禮貌的態度,但是,她那對洋溢著少女熱情崇拜的眼睛,從那長長的濃密的睫毛下面,情不自禁地望著行將入伍的consin ,她那笑意一點也不能欺騙任何人,顯而易見,這只小貓下來,只是想要更有力地起來,如同鮑里斯和娜塔莎一樣從客廳里竄出去,和她的表兄一塊兒嬉戲。
  6. Key control about moving the arrow keys control jumping and squat, lunge shift fashion. key

    左右鍵控制移動,上下鍵控制躍和下, shift鍵踢人。
  7. Jiantiao on, the keys squat about key control direction

  8. Experimental study on developing juvenile football players ' speed and strength through the training of loaded squat standing in long jump oriented by 30 - metre race

  9. Key mobile around, jumping on the keys, keys to squat

  10. Operations guide : z bond with net capturing the stars, x - button shooting, key to control movement and squat jump, h bond transform hairstyle, w key transform clothes

    操作指南: z鍵用網捕抓星星, x鍵射擊,方向鍵控制移動躍和下, h鍵變換發型, w鍵變換衣服
  11. Introduction : kim possible series of games to look at the little girl real 1, 10 side and slipped her right operations guide : keyboard control, key air space by launching switches and kicking, key for jumping, squatting next to the right and left to advance and retreat kim possible 3, a, two types of action and the third category of the shooting

    攻略:麻辣女孩系列游戲,來看看小女孩真實的那一面咯和她一起闖關吧操作指南:鍵盤控制,按空格鍵空啟動開關和踢,方向鍵上為,下為,右和左前進和後退三部麻辣女孩,一,二部為動作類,第三部為射擊類。 。
  12. Introduction : kim possible series of games to look at the little girl real 1, 10 side and slipped her right operations guide : keyboard control, key air space by launching switches and kicking, key for jumping, squatting next to the right and left to advance and retreat kim possible 3 : 1. two types of action and the third category of the shooting

  13. The next jump and squat down

  14. Operations guide : key to running jump, the space bar shooting, and then shooting squat, sapphire collection

  15. A left, d 0830, w jump, s crouch, the left mouse button shooting, mobile mouse targeting. p suspended contents, q or e or f for weapons, according to w consecutive consecutive jump, according w consecutive spaces high jump, shift keys of various actions such as forward, jump, back is in slow motion, bond jumps after by a or d in the air could be affixed on the walls

    A左, d右, w, s下,鼠標左鍵射擊,鼠標移動瞄準目標, p暫停目錄, q或e或f換武器,連續按w連續,連續按w空格得超高, shift鍵加各動作鍵如前進,,後退是慢動作,起后按a或d可以貼在空中的墻壁上。
  16. A and d keys to control movement of bond jumping w, s bond squat, the space bar attack, aimed at moving the mouse and click the left mouse button shooting, e, q - switching key weapons, r key detonated a bomb, p bond was suspended from the enter key

    A d鍵控制移動, w鍵躍, s鍵下,空格鍵攻擊,移動鼠標瞄準,點擊鼠標左鍵射擊, e q鍵切換武器, r鍵引爆炸彈, p鍵暫停,回車鍵退出。
  17. Introduction : exquisite cartoon picture, the extreme refinement of the figures set around the ancient characters course, now you to experience the operation guide : by moving direction by jump by squat, the space bar attack by z button up nirvana commands, but the precondition is to achieve a certain request, oh

  18. Exquisite cartoon picture, the extreme refinement of the figures set around the ancient characters course, now you to experience the operation guide : by moving direction by jump by squat, the space bar attack by z button up nirvana commands, but the precondition is to achieve a certain request, oh

  19. Heilongjiang river in the battle, the fate of the world in the hands of operation mermaid princess :, j struck jump m defensive box squatting

  20. Keyboard control around key direction on key jump, keys squat, lunge key blanks for the special function keys on the chandelier or the swing open the gates, etc.
