
中文拼音 []
名詞(某些動物腳趾中間的薄膜) web (of the feet of ducks, frogs, etc. )
  1. - flippers and all. wow. - great

  2. Flippers and all. wow. - great

  3. Among the designs left by leonardo da vinci almost 500 years ago ? with notes written backward to be read with a mirror ? were the parachute , life jacket , water pump , swim fins , well digger , paddle - wheel boat , horseless carriage , sprocketchain , steam gun , water turbine , lens - grinding0 machine , shrapnel , machine gun , airplane , helicopter , submarine , and mass production

    近500年前列奧納多?達?芬奇留下的許多設計稿? ?即須通過鏡子才能讀懂的反著寫的筆記,其中有降落傘、救生衣、水泵、游泳腳、鉆井機、明輪機、無馬馬車、扣齒鏈、蒸汽槍、水輪機、磨鏡片機、子母彈、機關槍、飛機、直升飛機、潛水艇和成批生產的設計。
  4. For the kobold horizontal - axis rotor, the hydrodynamic performance is explored and studied gradually. at first, a basic resistance - type method is presented

  5. In this paper, different computation methods and the hydrodynamic performance of vertical - axis variable - pitch cycloidal ( voith - schneider ) rotor and kobold horizontal - axis rotor are studied

  6. Having lobate toes. used of birds

  7. The highlight at those times, is the chance of seeing rare birds such as the spoon - billed sandpiper, spotted greenshank, asiatic dowitcher and grey - tailed tattler

  8. The mai po is an area where migrating birds rest after long and difficult journeys. spring and autumn are the best seasons for bird watching as some 20, 000 to 30, 000 shorebirds, including species such as the threatened spoon - billed sandpiper, spotted greenshank and asiatic dowitcher, stop over in deep bay during migration

  9. Webbed feet run in stumpy ' s family, but he ' s the first to have four of them. a rare mutation has left the eight - day - old duckling with two nearly full - sized legs behind the two he runs on. nicky janaway, a duck farmer in new forest, hampshire, 95 miles southwest of london, showed the duckling to reporters saturday

  10. Comparison of muscle system between bombina maxima and rana chaochiaoensis

  11. At present haenam county, 180 kilometers west of the island, has the world ' s oldest fossilized webbed bird prints. they are estimated to have been made 94 million years ago

  12. I am also interested in knowing in particular if anyone had it done by dr

  13. Alice thought she had never seen such a curious croquet - ground in her life ; it was all ridges and furrows ; the balls were live hedgehogs, the mallets live flamingoes, and the soldiers had to double themselves up and to stand on their hands and feet, to make the arches

    愛麗絲想,可還從來沒見過這樣奇怪的槌球游戲呢?球場到處都是坎坷不平的,槌球是活刺蝟,槌球棒是活紅鶴紅鶴: phoenicopterus科,趾間有,因種不同羽色各異,有紅灰等色。
  14. Your fins are still as you descend

  15. Give me my mask and my fins real quick

  16. Velvet paws hide sharp claws

  17. Your flippers clean ? just the floors. we had to give a cleaning deposit

  18. The purpose is the same : to free divers from having to fight a current with their fins

  19. Step 4 : remember that fins can kick objects and create turbid clouds if you swim too close to the bottom

  20. Emphasize the feel of each stroke phase being taught or improved - teaching aids such as paddles, fins, and surgical tubing may help to improve sensory input

    要著重講授或改善每個劃臂階段的水感- -講授象劃水掌、腳和外科醫用膠管等訓練輔助物的使用,將會有助於提高感官知覺的輸入。