
中文拼音 [yuán]
名詞1. (車前駕牲畜的兩根直木) shafts of a cart or carriage2. (轅門) the outer gate of a government office in ancient times3. (衙署) a government office in ancient times4. (姓氏) a surname
  1. The carriage creaked and rattled as it flew over the rough stones, and the slightest obstacle under the wheels would have caused disaster ; but it kept on in the middle of the road, and those who saw it pass uttered cries of terror. ali suddenly cast aside his chibouque, drew the lasso from his pocket, threw it so skilfully as to catch the forelegs of the near horse in its triple fold, and suffered himself to be dragged on for a few steps by the violence of the shock, then the animal fell over on the pole, which snapped, and therefore prevented the other horse from pursuing its way

  2. The coachman could not see the shafts of the carriage

  3. Sufficient coordination between banking and marketing executives should be enough to eliminate divergence of results.

  4. The difference between the two men's creative methods is enormous.

  5. But though he believed so implicitly that he was king of naples, and sympathised with his subjects grief at losing him, after he had been commanded to return to the service, and especially after his interview with napoleon at danzig, when his most august brother - in - law had said, i have made you king that you may rule in my way, and not in your own, he had cheerfully resumed his familiar duties ; and, like a well - fed, but not over - fed stallion feeling himself in harness, prancing in the shafts, and decked out in all possible motley magnificence, he went galloping along the roads of poland, with no notion where or why he was going

    盡管他堅信他是那不勒斯王,對即將與之離別的臣民的悲傷覺得抱歉,但最近,在他奉命又回軍隊之後,特別是在丹澤ohisut見到拿破崙之後,當至尊的舅子對他說: 「 je vous ai fait roi pour rgner ma manire , mais pas la voatre 」 ,他愉快地從事起他熟悉的事業,像一匹上了膘,但卻長得不太肥的馬,感到自己被套起來,在車中撒歡,並打扮得盡可能的華貴,歡歡喜喜,得意洋洋地沿著波蘭的大道奔跑,而自己卻不知道何處去和為什麼。
  6. The sparrow upon the wire, the cat in the doorway, the dray horse tugging his weary load, feel the long, keen breaths of winter

  7. This is a polarity attraction. you are enamored by the pisces empathetic ways, and in turn the fish needs your practical direction

  8. Ultra - classic games ah never expected the famous fantom can create flash version, the screen is very attractive. rpg is the type

  9. Introduction : ultra - classic games ah never expected the famous fantom can create flash version, the screen is very attractive. rpg is the type

  10. It had stout wheel - spokes, and heavy felloes, a great curved bed, immense straps and springs, and a pole like a battering - ram

  11. One wants to go northest and the other south.

  12. Yes, in the picket line ; the pass and watchwordshaft, olmtz

  13. It was quite on a par with the quixotic idea in certain quarters that in a hundred million years the coal seam of the sister island would be played out and if, as time went on, that turned out to be how the cat jumped all he could personally say on the matter was that as a host of contingencies, equally relevant to the issue, might occur ere then it was highly advisable in the interim to try to make the most of both countries, even though poles apart

  14. The right - shaft horse began to pull, the high springs creaked, and the carriage swayed

  15. Abstract : in this paper, the environment of charged particle from cosmic ray which can induce the hard and soft error on micro - electronics was discussed. employing widely used model and our latest work, we calculated the distribution of cosmic ray in low earth orbit and discussed the model and its application

  16. When he recovered his senses, pierre found himself sitting on the ground leaning on his hands. the ammunition - box, near which he had been, had gone ; there were a few charred green boards and rags lying scattered about on the scorched grass. a horse was galloping away with broken fragments of the shafts clattering after it ; while another horse lay, like pierre, on the ground, uttering a prolonged, piercing scream

  17. Before fans should not miss ah, hematemesis recommended

  18. Lizhu pearl swallow s abalone s wing floor, noble and luxurious instead of warmly and refinedly, offers early, late tea and noon, supper market, and has nearly 300 seating capacities and 12 vip hall with different style and graceful ambience. mainly cook the top - grade swallow s abalone s wing and all good guangdong flavor the colour, fragrance and taste. assited with the special cooking style of hunan and sichuan flavor and huaiyang pickles of one s own flavor. with eight big cuisines quintessences newly constantly, it is the best choice to get - together with your relatives friends and enjoy the life. the motherland multi - functional hall, splendidly, was designed by considering the many kinds of demands, covering 300 people. which is the extremely good clubhouses of the large - and - middle - scale banquet and cocktail party. mingshi pavilion western restaurant full of the exotic atmosphere and special support of delicious cakes and good wine of western style, is a excellent place to enjoy the western diet culture. assembled a variety of exquisite small food, good wine and the fragrant tender tea, gathered with friends here carefree and leisurely to the limite in the youlan bar

  19. He knew this, and therefore awaited what was to come with more patience than his horses, especially the left one, the chestnut falcon, who was continually pawing the ground and champing at the bit

  20. Two of the sledges were the common household sledges ; the third was the old counts, with a trotting horse from orlovs famous stud ; the fourth, nikolays own, with his own short, shaggy, raven horse in the shafts
