
中文拼音 []
Ⅰ形容詞1. (方向相反) contrary; counter 2. [數學] inverse; converse Ⅱ動詞1. (抵觸; 不順從) go against; disobey; defy 2. [書面語] (迎接) welcome3. (預先; 事先) anticipateⅢ名詞(背叛者) traitor
  1. The captain told them, he would spare their lives, if they would give him any assurance of their abhorrence of the treachery they had been guilty of.

  2. Abiotic stresses such as drought, salt, cold and freezing exert severe influences on growth and development of plant

  3. The effect of adversity resistance and accelerative growth agent on soybean growth

  4. The reverse of reaction 11 for acetate may be combined with the electron acceptor reactions.

  5. Acupuncture treating 45 patients with intractable hiccup

  6. We call -a the additive inverse of a.

  7. 100 prizes : an infantile epistle, dated, small em monday, reading : capital pee papli comma capital aitch how are you note of interrogation capital eye i am very well full stop new paragraph signature with flourishes capital em milly no stop : a cameo brooch, property of ellen bloom born higgins, deceased : 3 typewritten letters, addressee, henry flower, c o p. o. westland row, addresser, martha clifford, c o p. o. dolphin s barn : the transliterated name and address of the addresser of the 3 letters in reserved alphabetic boustrophedontic punctated quadrilinear cryptogram vowels suppressed n. igs. wi. uu

    三封打字信,收信人為:亨利弗羅爾,韋斯特蘭橫街郵政局轉交發信人為:瑪莎克利弗德,海豚倉巷郵政局收轉。三信的發信人住址姓名被改寫為字母交互綴式附有句號分作四行的密碼母音字母略之如下: nigs wiuuoxwoksmhyim 296英國周刊現代社會297的一張剪報:論女學校中的體罰。一截粉紅色緞帶,這是一八九九年系在一顆復活節彩蛋上的。
  8. It follows that every reversible adiabatic process is one of constant entropy, and may be described as isentropic.

  9. As a result of haart, hi - infected patients frequently deelop lipid abnormalities, including the accumulation of abdominal adiposity, features of the metabolic syndrome, and other factors that increase cardioascular risk

    作為強化的抗轉錄病毒的治療的結果, hi感染的患者經常出現脂類異常,包括腹壁多脂癥的蓄積,代謝綜合癥的特徵和其他的增加心血管危險的因子。
  10. An adjective is called heterological if it does not have the property it denotes.

  11. We have proved that stml is a topological category and the category tml is a bireflective full subcategory of stml, the existence of some functors " right adjunction. based on [ 106 ], we have researched the limits and inverse limits in the category stml, given the other one kind of product of - smooth topological molecular lattices

    以文[ 106 ]的相關概念為基礎,研究了范疇stml ( l )中的極限與極限問題,從而給出了范疇stml ( l )的另一種乘積,且這兩種乘積在范疇意義下是同構的。
  12. But the adverse tide was strong.

  13. A brave man smiles in the face of adversity.

  14. He is patient under adversity.

  15. Adversity toughens him as well as wounding him.

  16. It often takes a shot of adversity to get people to pull together.

  17. As an aesthetician, i have found the natragel mask a proven product in the skin care industry for post microdermabrasion, chemical peels, lasers and facial plastic surgery

    3 )然後用食指和拇指,捏住左、右眼袋、向外提起,眼球順時針方向和時針方向各旋轉30圈。
  18. Animal agriculture was on the defensive.

  19. Dynamic inverse control for astovl lift - fan air craft

  20. A svpwm control algorism for three - level inverter and its simulation
