
中文拼音 [dào]
Ⅰ名詞(道路) road; way; route; path 2. (水流通過的途徑) channel; course 3. (方向; 方法; 道理) way; method 4. (道德) morals; morality 5. (學術或宗教的思想體系; 宇宙萬物的本源) doctrine; body of moral teachings; the way of nature which cannot be given a name; principle 6. (屬于道教的; 道教徒) taoism; taoist 7. (某些反動的迷信組織) superstitious sect 8. (線條; 細長的痕跡) line 9. (身體內的管道) tract 10. (技術; 技藝) skill Ⅱ量詞1. (用於某些長條形的東西; 條) 2. (用於門、墻等; 重) 3. (用於命令、題目等) 4. (表示「次」) Ⅲ動詞1. (說) say; talk; speak 2. (以為; 認為) think; suppose
  1. Aaron had dumped regina, and she was unknowingly

  2. He soon abandoned this practice.

  3. If i had not known before that you were trying somehow to abash me i should know it now.

  4. "we'd have had a young gentleman to meet you, if we had known you were coming, " retorted master kidderminster, nothing abashed.

  5. " whenever you please, " replied the abb

    「隨便你什麼時候都行, 」神甫答
  6. " has she made a fortune also ? " inquired the abb

    「難她也發了一筆財嗎? 」
  7. It was only poisoned to the abb adelmonte

  8. Exclaimed the abb, springing from his seat

  9. Elijah ! and he answered with a main cry : abba ! adonai

    的呼喚聲,他鏗鏘有力地回答: 「阿爸!
  10. We know what “ abba, father ” meant in the mouth of christ in gethsemane

  11. Edna : abba was a swedish band that sang in english without understanding a single word

    埃德娜: abba是用英語來演唱的瑞典樂隊,他們一個字都不知自己在唱什麼。
  12. " but, how can i open the grave by myself ? i had better consult with abbess shih.

    「我一人如何掘得開墳墓?且和石姑商量則個。 」
  13. But the slap and the blessing stood him friend, says mr vincent, for to make up he taught him a trick worth two of the other so that maid, wife, abbess and widow to this day affirm that they would rather any time of the month whisper in his ear in the dark of a cowhouse or get a lick on the nape from his long holy tongue then lie with the finest strapping young ravisher in the four fields of all ireland

    文森特先生曰: 「作為補償,彼將力量相當于兩頭公牛之秘訣傳授下來。處女妻子女修院院長與寡婦至今斷言,伊等與其跟愛爾蘭四片綠野130上最英俊強壯專門勾引女人之年輕小夥子睡覺,不如隨時都於幽暗牛棚中,對著牛耳囁嚅131 ,並希望彼用神聖的長舌舔自己的脖頸。 」
  14. The abbey is now a ruin.

  15. Every abbey and great man's house had its fish pond.

  16. She did not know that middleton abbey lay in the direction of his gaze.

  17. I have some friends in an abbey near frejus

  18. There had not a vestige of the abbey remains

  19. We will play a trick on the old abbot.

  20. The good abbot of holywood is a strong pillar to the weak.
