
中文拼音 [xié]
  1. The accursed demon sovereign has forseen everything

  2. But you, you unholy, shall be accursed

  3. Overbury s murder, now some thirty years agone ; he testified to having seen the physician, under some other name, which the narrator of the story had now forgotten, in company with doctor forman, the famous old

  4. It is achieved only at the expense of ahura mazda, by then called ohrmazd, who is brought down to the level of his opponent, ahriman

  5. In this last phase, ahriman will be destroyed, and the world will be wonderfully renewed and be inhabited by the good, who will live in paradisiacal joy

  6. Claggart is evil, but his hatred for billy is a subtly stated ambivalence.

  7. Summary of the irregular disease in ancientry literatures

  8. But fatwas of apostasy and heresy as well as kufr within the muslim ummah are neither few nor far in between

  9. She deeply hated ugliness or intrusion or arrogance.

  10. There was always, in her conversation, the same odd mixture of audacity and puerility.

  11. W. h auden wrote, " evil is always unspectacular, and always human. it shares our bed, ad eats at our table.

  12. Her aversion to the wrong formed so distinctive a feature of her mind.

  13. Goodness is simple, badness manifold

  14. The florida eagles are slightly smaller than the others, but they have the same fierce, baleful look ( john corry

    佛羅里達鷹比其它品種要略小一些,但是同樣具有兇悍惡的外表(約翰?考利) 。
  15. Not to inherit by right of primogeniture, gavelkind or borough english, or possess in perpetuity an extensive demesne of a sufficient number of acres, roods and perches, statute land measure valuation 42, of grazing turbary surrounding a baronial hall with gatelodge and carriage drive nor, on the other hand, a terracehouse or semidetached villa, described as rus in urbe or qui si sana, but to purchase by private treaty in fee simple a thatched bungalowshaped 2 storey dwellinghouse of southerly aspect, surmounted by vane and lightning conductor, connected with the earth, with porch covered by parasitic plants ivy or virginia creeper, halldoor, olive green, with smart carriage finish and neat doorbrasses, stucco front with gilt tracery at eaves and gable, rising, if possible, upon a gentle eminence with agreeable prospect from balcony with stone pillar parapet over unoccupied and unoccupyable interjacent pastures and standing in 5 or 6 acres of its own ground, at such a distance from the nearest public thoroughfare as to render its houselights visible at night above and through a quickset hornbeam hedge of topiary cutting, situate at a given point not less than 1 statute mile from the periphery of the metropolis, within a time limit of not more than 5 minutes from tram or train line e. g.,

    他並不想根據長子繼承製男子平分繼承製或末子繼承製237 ,把那幢有著門房和馬車道的男爵宅及其周圍那一大片遼闊的英畝路得和平方桿238法定土地面積單位,估價為四十二英鎊239的泥炭質牧場地,或者那座被描述為「都會中的田園240 」或「健康莊242 」的有陽臺的房子或一側與鄰屋相接的別墅,繼承下來並永久佔有。他只巴望根據私人合同購買一所繼承人身分不受限制的不動產:要坐北朝南的一座草屋頂有涼臺的雙層住宅,房頂上裝起風向標以及與地面相接的避雷針,門廊上要爬滿寄生植物常春藤或五葉地錦,橄欖綠色的正門最後一道工序漆得漂漂亮亮,賽得過馬車。門上有著精巧的黃銅裝飾。
  16. Stephen withstood the bane of miscreant eyes, glinting stern under wrinkled brows. a basilisk

  17. Concerning the foul and bestial murder

  18. In this eerie meditation on good and evil, a schizophrenic preacher - possibly a devil himself - relentlessly prosecutes two small children across the depression - era bible belt for their dead father s stolen fortune after murdering their mother. in robert mitchum s careerdefining role as preacher harry powell, he wears unforgettable

  19. Bombing run : explosion visual the bombing run explosion dummy casts this on itself when it receives general trigger 99 from the bombing run target dummy

  20. Like constantinople or rome before it the city has become a breeding ground for suffering and injustice
