
中文拼音 [kǎi]
名詞(鎧甲) armour
  1. She had no figure, and her clothes were so stiff and unyielding as to give an impression of armour.

  2. The armour - plated rhino calf is the first of its kind to be born at whipsnade zoo in bedfordshire for 17 years

  3. Who comes through michan s land, bedight in sable armour

  4. A player comes on under the shadow, made up in the castoff mail of a court buck, a wellset man with a bass voice

  5. 10 torch sheathed thermocouple in chemical industry

  6. Dryad attack and armor increase from upgrades

  7. Gauntlet - signify a man armed for the performance of martial enterprise

  8. Galvanized low carbon steel wire for armouring cables

  9. Milanese commanders value these crossbowmen highly, thus they equip them with brigandine armour and the large pavise - style shield

  10. The entire array, moreover, clad in burnished steel, and with plumage nodding over their bright morions, had a brilliancy of effect which no modern display can aspire to equal

  11. 2. the assessing of endangered degree of some species there are many endangered species in this gully and the critically endangered species include papilio epycides, meandrusa scrion, sasakia funebris. sasakia charonda, chilasa clytia ; the endangered species include papilio alcmenor, papilio bootes, papilio polyctor, byasa plutonius, chilasa epycides, chitoria pallas, jimelaea maculata, helcyra superba, stichophthalma howqua, and the vulnerable species include byasa polyeutes, pazala tamerlanta, pazala mandarina, pamassius latreille, graphium scopoli, funis aepope. 3

  12. There he clothed himself in his splendors, not putting on all his terrors, as when he overthrew the giants, but what is known among the gods as his lesser panoply

  13. O nolan, clad in shining armour, low bending made obeisance to the puissant and high and mighty chief of all erin and did him to wit of that which had befallen, how that the grave elders of the most obedient city, second of the realm, had met them in the tholsel, and there, after due prayers to the gods who dwell in ether supernal, had taken solemn counsel whereby they might, if so be it might be, bring once more into honour among mortal men the winged speech of the seadivided gael

    穿戴鋥亮甲的奧諾蘭朝著全愛琳這個位高勢大的首領深打一躬,稟明了事情的原委。這座無比忠順的城市,國內第二大都會的神情肅穆的元老們聚集在索爾塞爾349 ,照例對天界的神明們禱告一番后,關于該採取何等措施俾能讓一衣帶水的蓋爾族355那崇高的語言得以光採地在世間復興,嚴肅地進行了審議。
  14. Thus, ferroplasm full plate offers greater protection ( as well as a greater cost ) than ferroplasm chainmail, and a ferropwm greatsword offers greater offensive capability than a ferroplasm quarterstaff

    因此,星鐵全身甲比起星鐵鏈甲有更多的保護(和更多的費用) ,而星鐵星鐵巨劍比星鐵長棍有更強的攻擊能力。
  15. Fancy might have regarded the act as the recrudescence of a trick in which her armed progenitors were not unpractised

  16. Doubtless some of tess d urberville s mailed ancestors rollicking home from a fray had dealt the same measure even more ruthlessly towards peasant girls of their time

  17. 1. wear - proof and innerleak - proof sheathed the rmocouple

  18. 7. 2 skin sheathed thermocouple and thermal resistance

    7 . 2表面裝熱電偶熱電阻
  19. Operating temperature recommended for sheathed thermocouple

  20. 600 v polyvinyl chloride insulated and sheathed cables

    600 v聚氯乙烯絕緣和裝電纜