除怪 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [chúguài]
除怪 英文
  • : Ⅰ動詞1 (去掉) get rid of; eliminate; remove 2 [數學] (用一個數把另一個數分成若干等份) divide:...
  • : Ⅰ形容詞(奇怪) strange; odd; queer; peculiar; eccentric; quaint; monstrous; bewildering; abnorma...
  1. All that day the children tagged around after her, open-mouthed, as she swept, scrubbed, and burned trash in the back yard.

  2. Besides the jar of contrast there came to her a chill self - reproach that she had not returned sooner, to help her mother in these domesticities, instead of indulging herself out - of - doors

  3. Any one but a man of exhaustless thirst for knowledge would have had pity on seeing the steward s extraordinary repugnance for the count s projected drive without the walls ; but the count was too curious to let bertuccio off from this little journey

  4. It is also odd that during the course of all this that she has not been examined, except by the gp and the first visit to the gynaecologist

  5. I wish to be a better man than i have been, than i am ; as job s leviathan broke the spear, the dart, and the habergeon, hindrances which others count as iron and brass, i will esteem but straw and rotten wood. adele here ran before him with her shuttlecock

    我希望做個比以往,比現在更好的人就像約伯的海中獸那樣,折斷矛戟和標槍,刺破盔甲,掃一切障礙,別人以為這些障礙堅如鋼鐵,而我卻視之為乾草爛木。 」
  6. Destroy ! drive out the monstrosity

  7. No wonder at the coronation of queen wilhelmina in 1898, public opinion conceded that other than the oil in palembang, the tinpots tinpotje of bangka and billiton were a stable and abundant golden goose for the coffers of the dutch government

    1898年wilhelmina女皇加冕時的輿論中也不得不承認,了巨港的石油外,邦加勿里洞的采錫業是荷蘭政府金庫十分固定和非常豐富的搖錢樹: 「錫盆子
  8. With the possible exception of one or two oddball4 painters who never did anything else, he is the most prolific self - portraitist ever

  9. As well as uncovering many notorious archeological sites - including the atlantean pyramid and the last resting place of the dagger of xian, lara has found fame in other areas she has driven the dangerous alaskan highway from tierra del fuego in south america in record time although this was later denounced by the guinness book of records due to her " reckless driving " and she hit the headlines again when she hunted out and killed bigfoot in north america.

    眾所周知,勞拉發現了許多有名的遺跡,包括亞特蘭蒂斯金字塔以及西安匕首的最後藏匿之地,此之外,讓勞拉成名的事還有:她以破紀錄的時間駕車從美國南部的tierra del fuego開始跑完危險的阿拉斯加公路盡管后來還因為莽撞駕駛遭到吉尼斯世界紀錄大全的譴責。另外,在北美洲找到並殺死大腳之後她又成了頭條新聞。
  10. And secondly, a man who self acclaims that he is an ex of mina shows up and he is so whacky. the more he questions, the more it bugs him as he is really deep in love with her

  11. Green pea, along with other unusual sodas such as turkey and gravy, dinner roll, sweet potato and antacid flavor, will be part of the company s 10 to 15 " holiday pack " of bottled drinks available nationwide

    綠豌豆口味外, jones soda公司此次推出的新品飲料還包括火雞肉湯味午餐小麵包味甜薯味和酸湯味飲料。這些味飲料將作為「節日飲料禮包」 ,以每份10美元至15美元的價格銷往全美。
  12. Green pea, along with other unusual sodas such as turkey and gravy, dinner roll, sweet potato and antacid flavor, will be part of the company ' s 10 to 15 " holiday pack " of bottled drinks available nationwide

    綠豌豆口味外, jones soda公司此次推出的新品飲料還包括火雞肉湯味午餐小麵包味甜薯味和酸湯味飲料。這些味飲料將作為「節日飲料禮包」 ,以每份10美元至15美元的價格銷往全美。
  13. For instance, there was the case of o callaghan, for one, the half crazy faddist, respectably connected, though of inadequate means, with his mad vagaries, among whose other gay doings when rotto and making himself a nuisance to everybody all round he was in the habit of ostentatiously sporting in public a suit of brown paper a fact

  14. Wang was just supposed to be randy johnson ' s little mascot at first, except that the rookie had this remarkable sinker and a four - seam fastball that rode in on hitters and traveled 95 mph

    小王原本只被認為是巨強生身邊附帶的小吉祥物,但此之外,這位二年前剛來到的小菜鳥有個令人驚? 95英哩的下沉球及四縫線快速球,將會讓打者無所適從。
  15. “ discover your inner economist ” joins a recent school of books demystifying and popularising economics that began with steven landsburg ' s “ armchair economist ” in 1993, and conquered the bestseller lists in 2005 with “ freakonomics ” by steven levitt and stephen dubner

    「發現你的經濟學潛能」加入的是去經濟學神秘的面紗、使之大眾化的系列書籍,這類書的開山之作是史蒂文?蘭斯伯格1993年的《足不出戶的經濟學家》 , 2005年史蒂文?列維特和史蒂芬?都伯納的《誕經濟學》打進了暢銷書榜。
  16. Master jokingly labeled initiates as " fbi " food, beverage " i ", meaning, " we have food, we have drinks, and we have master !

    每次見到師父,了靈魂填滿了愛,肚子也不會空著回去,難師父后來開玩笑地說我們是fbi food , beveragei有吃有喝有師父!
  17. In addition to jem's newly developed characteristics, he had acquired a maddening air of wisdom.

  18. I cannot return you many thanks for the drive of yesterday ; but, after all, i ought not to blame you for the misconduct of your horses, more especially as it procured me the pleasure of an introduction to the count of monte cristo, - and certainly that illustrious personage, apart from the millions he is said to be so very anxious to dispose of, seemed to me one of those curiously interesting problems i, for one, delight in solving at any risk, even if it were to necessitate another drive to the bois behind your horses

  19. So i say fuck that thing ! let ' s fight it

  20. And then they will agree with us, making us feel great about ourselves, as though we can slash demons and kill monsters. and after a while, we will lose this power
