除藏 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [chúzàng]
除藏 英文
  • : Ⅰ動詞1 (去掉) get rid of; eliminate; remove 2 [數學] (用一個數把另一個數分成若干等份) divide:...
  • : storing placedepositorydeposit
  1. On the basis of the study on the speech coder algorithms, paper describe an advanced method of developing dsp system software, and as the guidlines, we developed the programme of whole decoder unit. paper stress on analysis of the ecu in decoder unit. aiming at amr algorithms disadvantage of angularity of synthetical speech, paper study on the specutral extrapolation which apply to extrapolate reflect coefficient of track model to make error conceal processing of amr. at last paper analyze existing echo cancellation algorithms using on mobile communication system

  2. From inside information extending over a series of years mr bloom was rather inclined to poohpooh the suggestion as egregious balderdash for, pending that consummation devoutly to be or not to be wished for, he was fully cognisant of the fact that their neighbours across the channel, unless they were much bigger fools than he took them for, rather concealed their strength than the opposite

    根據經年累月的內幕消息,布盧姆先生頗傾向于把上述見解看作是荒謬透頂的胡言亂語,嗤之以鼻因為姑且不論他是否衷心企盼那樣一種結局154 ,對這一事實他總是了如指掌:非海峽對岸的那些鄰人遠比他所設想的還要愚蠢,否則與其認為他們在顯示實力,毋寧說是而不露。
  3. Unless you have a rudder and sails hidden in that bodice

  4. And unless you have a rudder and a lot of sails hidden in that bodice

  5. And unless you have a rudder and a lot of sails hidden in that bodice.

    非在你的衣服里還著一個舵輪和幾張帆. .
  6. He had reserved from his annuity his family papers, his library, composed of five thousand volumes, and his famous breviary

  7. Cma, as an alternate deicer, tends to inhibit corrosion and appears to be relatively harmless to the environment. but cma is expensive because of the high price of its material, and it has less ability in melting ice than sodium chloride. besides these, cma sticks to wet surfaces and can congeal to form hard chunks, difficult to store for a long time, dusty and a strong vinegar smell when spread

    而cma是對氯化物鹽冰劑的重大改進, cma具有無污染,環保的特點,對金屬幾乎無腐蝕,但由於原料價格昂貴,使得cma的價格不菲, cma對冰的融化能力不如氯化鈉, cma易結塊,不宜長期儲,在撒布時形成的粉塵及刺鼻的酸味亦是需要改進的地方。
  8. Further, calverd ' s figure of 21 % does not include indirect sources of carbon dioxide emissions, such as feed production, mechanized slaughtering, evisceration, packaging, transport and refrigeration

    此外,卡佛特所算出的21 ?中,尚不包括那些會間接排放二氧化碳的過程,譬如:飼料生產、機械化屠宰、清內臟、包裝、運輸與冷等過程。
  9. Unique natural dmg germicide to remove germs that hidden in your clothes and prevent the spreading of diseases effectively

  10. Two were held by the metropolitan museum of art, in new york, which acquired the gilman collection in 2005, and one of these is the one sold by sotheby ' s

  11. The poison of horsebean hurts the blood that reach camp first, liver stores blood, hematic poison accumulate accumulate liver inside, and children liver is frail, what cannot divide blood is poisonous, accumulate poison gradually very, and send injury and courage, the excessive outside bile, appear icteric

  12. Features : long head that shares about a third of the total length ; a concave forehead ; flat chin stretching to the front ; the spermaceti case containing high fat content is located in the prolapsed occipital bone. besides making candles and ointments, this fat is good ingredient for making precision instrument lubricants

  13. The house had already been stripped of its more ostentatious wealth : the great agate vases, the silver plates, the majolica dishes, the gilded crystal murano drinking glasses, and the best linens had all been stowed away three or four days before, wrapped first inside the embroidered silk hangings, then the heavy flemish tapestries, and packed into two chests

  14. Her greatest joys were taking out the garbage, emptying her pantry.

  15. Along with the books, a portfolio contained sketches and photographs of ancient coins and banknotes.

  16. There is not much in the way of refrigeration except for the snowbanks, and then the dogs must be fought off

  17. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. a time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete

    這是個陳列室的櫥窗滿滿,而貯室空空的時代- - - - -一個虛實並生的時代;這是個科技傳遞信息,你可以與大家分享其中見解,也可以隨手刪的時代- -一個我行我素的時代。
  18. Hides all content but the introduction section and subheadings within a topic or shows all content in the topic

  19. The good news is that the technology for capture and storage already exists and that the obstacles hindering implementation seem to be surmountable

  20. The case was tried on september 9. except the possession of part i poison, the man was convicted of all the charges on september 26
