
中文拼音 [luò]
1. [書面語] (白鬣的黑馬) a black horse with white mane2. (姓氏) a surname
  1. The refiner defined a definite confine with her fine finger

  2. By analysing the regional characteristics of distribution of producing locations of medicines included in shennong s classic of meteria medica, it is pionted out that, based on quantity of production, yizhou of the 13 bu - administrative regions and taishan prefecture are the locations for massive production of medicines in the han dynasty. judging from distribution of locations, luoyang, the eastern capital and changan the western capital are the two centers, with the former more productive than the latter. it is suggested that the hongnong prefecture, the mid point between luoyang and changan, was an important crude drug trading center in the eastern han dynasty. the records of producing locations in shennong s classic of meteria medica reflects the importance it attaches to the genuine producing sites and dimonstrates the changes of genecine locations of drug production since the qin - han periods

    分析《本草經》藥物產地分佈的區域特徵后指出:以出產藥物數量計,漢代十三部政區中之益州,郡國中之泰山郡是當時大宗藥物產地;從藥物產地分佈來看,藥物出產分別以東都陽、西京長安為中心,向外輻射,而東部產藥多於西部;推測位於陽與長安中心點的弘農郡,可能是東漢時期重要的藥材貿易場所; 《本草經》關于藥物產地的記載,反映了此書對藥物道地性的重視,同時也在一定程度上揭示了秦漢以來藥物道地產區的變化。
  3. Exploring the sacred city luocheng in the minjiang upper reaches
