
中文拼音 [chú]
Ⅰ形容詞(幼小的, 多指鳥類) young (bird) Ⅱ名詞(幼小的鳥) nestling; fledgling
  1. This rare event is probably a case of reversion to the longlost, aboriginal instinct of nidification.

  2. Organic oils of mission olive, jojoba, almond, coconut, purity certified castor, wheat germ non - gmo, organic cocoa butter, organic herbs of sage, red clover, burdock, elder flowers, pine needles, ginger, mustard seed, agrimony, lavender, mustard seed, organic essential oils of sage and benzoin

  3. The 3rd, into good hatch is done before brooding implement, hatch uses an egg dish, kind egg and give cheeper implement clean alexipharmic job

  4. The chickens and chicken embryos were inoculated with variant serotype isolate e of infectious bursal disease virus using cloacal, nosal routes or via the allantoic cavity route, and the histopathological features of the bursa of fabricius of the ibdv _ infected chickens at various intervals of time were systematically investigated

  5. The chicks show an ataxia not unlike the ataxia of vitamin e deficiency known as encephalomalacia or crazy chick disease.

  6. The subsong of young birds is comparable to the babbling that human infants do before they learn to speak.

  7. What say you, good masters, to a squab pigeon pasty, some collops of venison, a saddle of veal, widgeon with crisp hog s bacon, a boar s head with pistachios, a bason of jolly custard, a medlar tansy and a flagon of old rhenish

    油酥面鴿餡餅,薄鹿肉片,小牛裡脊,配上酥脆熏豬肉的赤頸鬼,配上阿月渾子籽兒的公豬頭肉一盤令人賞心悅目的乳蛋糕,配上歐楂的艾菊,再來一壺陳萊茵白葡萄酒,不知老爺們意下如何? 」
  8. Identification and anti - biotic sensitivity of e. coli from ducklings of some duck farms in chongqing municipality

  9. On this morning of the great snow , perchance , which is still raging and chilling men ' s blood , i bear the muffled tone of their engine bell from out the fog bank of their chilled breath , which announces that the cars are coming , without long delay , notwithstanding the veto of a new england northeast snow - storm , and i behold the plowmen covered with snow and rime , their heads peering , above the mould - board which is turning down other than daisies and the nests of field mice , like bowlders of the sierra nevada , that occupy an outside place in the universe

    在特大風雪的黎明,風雪還在吹刮,凍結著人類的血液呢,我聽到他們的火車頭的被蒙住了的鐘聲,從那道霧? ?的凍結了的呼吸中傳來,宣告列車來了,並未誤點,毫不理睬新英格蘭的東北風雪的否決權,我看到那鏟雪者,全身雪花和冰霜,眼睛直瞅著它的彎形鐵片,而給鐵片翻起來的並不僅僅是菊和田鼠洞,還有像內華達山上的巖石,那些在宇宙外表佔了一個位置的一切東西。
  10. Chicks reared under natural light are frequently debeaked at 1 day of age or a few days after delivery to the brooder.

  11. And after all, he is a mere boy of twenty - one. ruth is no more than a child. it is calf love with the pair of them, and they will grow out of it.

    畢竟那人只是個二十一歲的娃娃,而露絲也還很幼稚,雙方都是戀,會漸漸淡忘的。 」
  12. Organic gotu kola, echinacea, calendula succus, st. john s wort, plantain, calendula, roman chamomile, comfrey, celandine, linden flowers, peppermint, figwort, fuchsia, lavender, sorrel, tansy, yarrow, calendula co2, natural bee propolis, amla berry for natural vitamin c, natural vitamins a and e, organic essential oils of orange, mandarin and benzoin

    蘆薈蜂蠟薰衣草鵝腸草菊可可巴油紫椎花歿藥羅馬甘菊金盞花艾菊金印草天竺葵佛手柑天然維他命a及e ,檸檬油等。
  13. Purpose show concern for child prostitutes who seek aids and counsel them as they cerate a new life ; establish a half - way home and carry our education for the whole person ; assist females in adverse situation by providing emergency shelter ; arouse the public [ & - ( ] s concern in joining a common effort to reconstruct society ; researcg the problem of child prositutes and search for ways to solve the problem

  14. It was since the edo period that people started to cerebrate the festival exclusively for girls by displaying dolls on a tiered platform

  15. The 4th, complete to carrying cheeper car and equipment want to undertake disinfection, prevent alternate infection

  16. All sorts of day age chicken and turkey can affect hair die in one ' s bed to die, and be like goose of cheeper duck, cheeper to waterfowl its mortality is taller

  17. All sorts of breed, differ the chicken of day age and turkey can affect hair die in one ' s bed to die, and be like goose of cheeper duck, cheeper to waterfowl its mortality is taller

  18. Should accomplish begin from the room that eat an egg, the egg is installed dish, hatch, piece cheeper, waiting room and shipping room of 1 day of age cheeper arrives area of carriage car carry should be one - way traffic course

  19. The chicks showed extremely poor growth rate, high mortality, hemoconcentration.

  20. It is especially important to have a high level of vitamin a liver storage in the event that young chicks contract a severe case of coccidiosis.
