
中文拼音 [jiū]
名詞(斑鳩、雉鳩等的統稱) turtledove
  1. The atomistic individualism of the post-montesquieu french enlightenment blocked the development of a genuinely sociological concept of society.

  2. I am phileas fogg, of london. and i am andrew speedy, of cardiff

    「我叫安斯皮蒂,出生在英國加的夫。 」
  3. Locke and montesquieu are respectively the initiator and the culminant figure of the decentralization theory in the west

  4. According to the journal ' s author peter levens, the best way to restore growth is to " take the ashes of culver - dung in lye, and wash the head therewith.

  5. The epicureans were disciples of epicurus, who believed pleasure to be the highest good in life. epicurus was a materialist. following democritus, he believed that the world consisted of atoms

  6. Secret mitre dovetail joint

  7. Through dovetail joint

  8. Single dovetail joint

  9. An in - depth examination of epicures will show us that his theory is full of significant new sights into the nature of philosophy

  10. In the 4th century b. c., four schools of philosophers often argued with each, they were the cynics, the sceptics, the epicureans, and the stoics

    公元前四世紀,西方哲學四大利派相互爭鳴,這四大流派為:犬儒主義學派、懷疑論學派、伊壁魯派(享樂主義學派) 、斯多葛學派。
  11. According to the theory of stoic, nature represents reason, and the epicureanism considered the nature as happiness

  12. Stoicism, school of philosophy, founded in ancient greece, opposed to epicureanism in its views of life and duty

  13. In ancient greece, the word nature had two meanings, one is physis which means nature, another is nomos which means rules or ruled nature. the difference was represented by the different academic schools of philosophy, which were stoic and epicureanism

    在古希臘的自然哲學中,自然包含兩層意思,一是physis (自然) ,二是nomos (法則或約定的自然) ,這種區分在斯多葛派和伊壁魯派的哲學中以不同的形式表達出來。
  14. They love epicurus and his simple pleasures from ancient greece

  15. Major topics includes the classical philosophy of death of plato, epicurus and the stoics ; the argument of immortality of the christian philosophy, descartes and kant ; the phenomenological analysis of death by heidegger, levinas and derrida ; and the chinese thought on death in confucianism and taoism

  16. Montesquieu's sociological "formalism" is insensitive to the problems of genesis and change.

  17. Guillemots dived into the sea, sometimes picking up oil-coated pieces of seaweed for their nests.

  18. Interfluve of national power theory between the european initiatory thinkers : montesguieu and jeen - jacques rousseau

  19. Full fange of acoustic guitars are supplide which includes acoustic bss, acoustic jumbo and other fretted instruments are also available : banjo, mandolin, jazz guitars

  20. When montesquieu visited venice the "new science" was recommended but there is no evidence that he either read or acquired the work.
