點指兵兵 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [diǎnzhǐbīngbīng]
點指兵兵 英文
dian zhi bing bing
  • : Ⅰ名詞1 (液體的小滴) drop (of liquid) 2 (細小的痕跡) spot; dot; speck 3 (漢字的筆畫「、」)...
  • : 指構詞成分。
  • : 名詞1 (武器) arms; weapons 2 (軍人) soldier 3 (軍隊) army; troops 4 (軍隊中的最基層成員) ...
  1. Panzer elite luftwaffe commander tree has its command point costs modified. fallschirmjager increased from 2 to 3, luftwaffe ground forces reduced from 2 to 1, wirblewind increased by 1, butterfly bombs reduced by 1

    裝甲精英空軍戰術揮線中傘由2增加為3,蝴蝶炸彈由2降低為1 ;空軍地勤部隊由2降低為1 ,旋風防空坦克由2增加為3 。
  2. After examining the nature of the country opposite the shevardino redoubt, napoleon pondered a little while in silence and pointed to the spots where two batteries were to be placed by the morrow for action against the russian fortifications, and the spots where, in a line with them, the field artillery was to be arranged

  3. Between the infantry and the cavalry the artillery, in a long line of polished, shining cannons quivering on their carriages, crawled slowly by with their heavy, brazen sound, and their peculiar smell from the linstocks, and ranged themselves in their places

  4. Maginot line of defense known as steel, the german was bypassed, and you will have to leap today. a super cool games, you have to fight early use of gold coins to buy some 2, 000 infantry infantry, archer archers or vehicles rams, the price of 50, 100, 500, shift to the mouse click once on the above purchase of a unit, but they can also build arsenals, infantry battalions, bows and arrows, this is ready to upgrade, upgrade will improve your various branches of the military combat ef

    一款超爽的游戲,戰斗初期你必須利用2000金幣購買一些步infantry弓箭手archers或戰車rams ,價格分別為50 , 100 , 500 ,將鼠標移在上面擊一次就購買一個單位,此外還可以修建工廠步營弓箭等,這是為升級準備,升級后將提高你的各個種的戰鬥力, ,一切選好后可play進入游戲看到游戲屏幕後,繼續選你的部隊開始進攻操作南:鼠標操作
  5. This movement demonstrated several obvious features : it was an enormous project and lasted for a lengthy period ; it involved a multitude of participants in the militarized administration, under the guidance of a military - like superintend - dance

  6. A super cool games, you have to fight early use of gold coins to buy some 2, 000 infantry infantry, archer archers or vehicles rams, the price of 50, 100, 500, shift to the mouse click once on the above purchase of a unit, but they can also build arsenals, infantry battalions, bows and arrows, this is ready to upgrade, upgrade will improve your various branches of the military combat ef enter the name of the game

    一款超爽的游戲,戰斗初期你必須利用2000金幣購買一些步infantry弓箭手archers或戰車rams ,價格分別為50 , 100 , 500 ,將鼠標移在上面擊一次就購買一個單位,此外還可以修建工廠步營弓箭等,這是為升級準備,升級后將提高你的各個種的戰鬥力, ,一切選好后可play進入游戲看到游戲屏幕後,繼續選你的部隊開始進攻操作南:鼠標操作
  7. The anti - cruise missile system is a fire - control system, which is developed by a military factory and our lab. the assistant of firepowers disposal is the sub - system of anti - cruise missile system. it analyse the information of target protected, digital maps and the rules of enemy ` s activities to provide a optimized solution of disposals of our firepower. and also it provide plenary man - machine conversations to adjust the solution. before this system, for the purpose of firepower disposal, commanders must be autoptical to disposal, it takes long terms, and is not optimized and it has no convenience to adjust the disposal

  8. At dawn on the 16th, denisovs squadron, in which nikolay rostov was serving, and which formed part of prince bagrations detachment, moved on from its halting place for the nightto advance into action, as was said. after about a miles march, in the rear of other columns, it was brought to a standstill on the high - road

  9. The soldiers, in their great - coats, stood ranged in lines with their sergeant, and the captain was calling over the men, poking the last soldier in the line in the ribs, and telling him to hold up his hand

  10. This dissertation attempts a deep study of the fire distribution of air defense forces in the light of the characteristics of urban air defense operations in order to meet the need of the decision - making technology aided by urban air defense operations c3i system

  11. Operations guide : mobile use a mouse to click on the offensive xiaobing castle, in the most critical of the lower right corner of the use of weapons, to inject funds to the construction of the castles defenses, prepared

  12. The thesis states out the six tenet to confirm the secured target, then give out a method to ascertain the weight of each target by level anslysis, by the mean time, construct a mathematical model to evaluate the importance for the air - defence unit of the secured target and testify an application

  13. As a result the relatively reasonable basic data is designed and mathematics model on the firing effectiveness is established. then the c language program is used to solve the model and reasonable data index and relative theory on the basis of the large number of the simulation computation of the set target are obtained. the paper creatively puts forward the theory of the ship - borne artillery terminal guided projectile system and establishes the mathematics model to evaluate its firing efficiency, and creatively discusses the use of the terminal guidance system in the sea - crossing and island - landing battle, providing a theory basis for the future military struggle against taiwan

  14. These five errors - - piecemeal reinforcement, absence of a main direction of attack, lack of strategic co - ordination, failure to grasp opportunities, and encirclement of large, but annihilation of small, numbers - - were all points of incompetence in the japanese command before the taierhchuang campaign

    這五個? ?逐漸增加力,沒有主攻方向,沒有戰略協同,失去時機,包圍多殲滅少,是臺兒莊戰役以前日本揮的不行之
  15. The firewood was crackling, the snow was melting, and the black shadows of soldiers were flitting to and fro all over the space between trampled down in the snow

  16. Moreover, its underestimation of china ' s strength and the internal contradictions among the japanese militarists have given rise to many mistakes in command, such as piecemeal reinforcement, lack of strategic co - ordination, occasional absence of a main direction for attack, failure to grasp opportunities in some operations and failure to wipe out encircled forces, all of which may be considered the third weakness of japanese imperialism

  17. However, although much of the enemy ' s strategic and campaign command is incompetent, there are quite a few excellent points in his battle command, that is, in his unit and small formation tactics, and here we should learn from him

  18. Chapter 2 elaborates the production method vicissitude of 150tuan and points out that the agricultural system reform of the corps is the main cause of the production method vicissitude since the 11 session of third national session of the cpc
