adrenergic 中文意思是什麼

adrenergic 解釋
adj. 形容詞 【醫學】腎上腺素能的。

  1. Epinephrine is the mainstay of anaphylaxis therapy. adjunctive therapy with antihistamines and, for those with asthma, inhaled selective ? 2 - adrenergic agonists, such as albuterol, may be helpful but cannot replace epinephrine

    腎上腺素是治療速發型過敏反應的主要藥物,抗組胺藥及吸入選擇性? 2腎上腺能阻滯劑(如沙丁胺醇)治療哮喘等輔助治療對患者有益但不能取代腎上腺素。
  2. Perioperative use of beta - adrenergic receptor blockers

  3. Imidazoline receptor alpha - 2 adrenergic receptor

  4. Adrenergic blocking agent

  5. Synthesis and biological study of isopropanol derivatives as - adrenergic blocking agent

  6. Study on association of mutation of the 3 - adrenergic - receptor gene with niddm

  7. Alteration of cardiac alpha1 - adrenergic receptor subtypes in cardiac insufficient rat

  8. The effect of - adrenergic signal transduction pathway on myocardial ischemic preconditioning in rats

  9. Effect of d1 - like receptor on - adrenergic receptor mediated proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells

  10. Effect of filamin - c on extracellular signal - regulated kinase phosphorylation mediated by 1a - adrenergic receptor in hek293 cell

  11. Cell proliferation and ca2 - calmodulin dependent protein kinase activation mediated by ? 1a - and ? 1b - adrenergic receptor in hek293 cells

    65 .張坦陳鳳榮張幼怡。腎上腺素受體的生物進化。
  12. ? he pretreatment of ne together with yohimbine, an a, adrenergic receptor antagonist, had no effect on the facilitatory action of capsaicin on neurotransmitter release from primary afferent terminals. this result suggests that the a2 adrenergic receptor on primary afferent terminals might be involved in ne depression on capsaicin - induced neurotransmitter release

    將飛型腎上腺素受體阻滯劑育亨賓( yohimbine )與ne同時預灌流后, caps對初級傳入終末遞質釋放的易化作用不受影響,提示初級傳入纖維終末上的a 。
  13. In 1994, li et al isolated agmatine from cow brain. like clonidine, agmatine is an endogenous agonist at imidazoline receptors ( ir ) and a noncatecholamine ligand at ( ai - adrenergic receptors ( ( x2 - ar )

    胍丁胺( agmatine )是1994年li等從牛腦中分離純化的一種內源性可樂定置換物質( clonidinedisplacingsubstance , cds ) ,它可能作為一種新型的神經遞質或調質。
  14. The present results indicate that ne depresses capsaicin - induced primary afferent terminal neurotransmitter release by activating a2 adrenergic receptor

    本研究結果提示: ne通過激活初級傳入終末上的a ,型腎上腺素受體,抑制caps引起的初級傳入終末釋放遞質。
  15. To address this question, we investigated the effects of the ( - adrenergic agonist l - isoproterenol or antagonist dl - propranolol on in vivo ltp of area ca1 and spatial learning in morris water maze

    為此,我們觀察了-受體激動劑異丙腎上腺素( isoproterenol )或拮抗劑心得安( propranolol )對在體ca1區ltp的調控作用以及對大鼠在morris水迷宮中空間學習的影響。
  16. Then, once regression of left ventricular enlargement has been achieved, patients are administered clenbuterol, a 2 - adrenergic - receptor agonist ( abused by athletes to make muscles bigger ) to produce cardiac muscle hypertrophy

    然後,一旦左室擴大得以控制,就給病人應用克倫特羅,一種2腎上腺能受體激動劑(被運動員濫用,以使肌肉增強) ,來使心臟肥大。
  17. Anti - arrhythmic effect of acupuncture pretreatment in the rat of myocardial ischemia is mediated by the post - receptor signaling pathway of beta - adrenergic receptor

  18. Finally, disconnecting the patient from the entilator could result in a marked increase in work of breathing and in adrenergic state and hence in increased cardiac work and myocardial oxygen demand with the potential risk of myocardial ischemia in patients with prior coronary artery disease

  19. In the new paper, the team reports that contraction forces increased when the behm tissues were bathed in a solution that included additional calcium and a drug that acts on beta - adrenergic receptors

  20. The characteristics of inverse agonists acting on different receptors including h2, h3, . opioid, adrenergic, and 5 - ht ( subscript ( 1b ) ) receptors are discussed in this paper

    本文介紹了作用於h2受體, h3受體, -阿片受體,腎上腺素能-受體, 5 -羥色胺受體反向激動劑的作用特徵。