adverse 中文意思是什麼

音標 ['ædvə:s]
adverse 解釋
adj. 形容詞 1. 逆的L反對的,相反的。
2. 不利的,有害的,不幸的。
3. 對面的。
4. 【植物;植物學】對生的。
adv. 動詞 副詞 -ly 逆,反對地,相反地;不利,不幸 (act adverse to sb. 's interests 舉動對某人不利)。
n. 名詞 -ness 逆,反對;不利,不幸。

  1. Can my baby acquire immunity if he she receives some doses of dtwp opv and some doses of dtap - ipv vaccines ? will there be any adverse effects from such a programme

    以新舊兩種疫苗dtap - ipv及dtwp opv完成接種能否為幼兒帶來有效的保護此接種方法會否引起不良效果
  2. It is thus justifiable to assume that resection of the intestine itself exerts no adverse effect on general digestion and food utilization in normal rats excepting a slight initial disturbance due to surgery and on adiposity in hyperphagic rats, the intestine lengthening being the result of development and also of the additional physiological requirement of the animal

  3. " adjunctive treatment with danshen - gegen herbal preparation on top of standard western heart medicines has been extremely well tolerated, without any significant adverse physiological, biochemical or clinical events reported to - date ", said professor woo

  4. Evidence of the adverse effect is limited.

  5. But the adverse tide was strong.

  6. It all seemed to give us very adverse data.

  7. Their assistance is adverse to promoting my plan.

  8. The adverse criticism it deservedly got stung byron.

  9. Even then single adverse note killed the application.

  10. Observant husbandmen usually hate some of the adverse reaction.

  11. Sales of the product have been seriously hurt by the adverse publicity.

  12. Protein malnutrition may result in a number of other adverse effect.

  13. An adverse economic forecast will stimulate action intended to falsify it.

  14. Antibiosis includes all adverse effects exerted by the plant on the insect's biology, for example, survival, development, and reproduction.

  15. The adverse drug reactions of antifungal agents

  16. Backwash effects are said to operate where the economic growth in one region of an economy has economic adverse effects on the growth of other regions.

  17. The impact of direct investment on the balance of payments of the investing country is adverse in the short run, helpful in the long.

  18. It follow therefore that the steric blocking effects of substituents are reflected in adverse kinetic, rather than thermodynamic factors.

  19. No adverse effects have been reported upon exposure to 0. 04% carbon monoxide for as long as one hour.

  20. Other atmospheric pollutants such as oxidants and sulfur oxides may produce adverse cardiovascular effects, but the evidence is limited.
