ali shah 中文意思是什麼

ali shah 解釋
  • ali : 阿利
  • shah : n. 〈波斯語〉王;伊朗國王的稱號。
  1. A fair number of preachers and sufis, for example hazrat ali hujveri popularly know as data ganj bakhsh died 465 ce and shah yousuf died 550 ce started spreading the message of islam to the local population

    傳教者和sufis ,例如hazrat阿里hujveri的一個公平的數字普遍地知道如同數據ganj bakhsh死465並且shah yousuf死550開始傳播回教消息對地方人口。
  2. Chief ali mohammad 1721 - 48 of rohilla tribe, a pakhtun tribe from afghanistan, were allies of nadir shah and was awarded bareilly and surrounding territories

    首要阿里mohammad 1721 - 48 rohilla部落,一個pakhtun部落從阿富汗,是最低點shah盟友和被授予了bareilly和周圍的疆土。