antidepressants 中文意思是什麼

antidepressants 解釋
  1. In these cases, the patient may need drugs such as strong tranquilizers or antidepressants.

  2. A few antidepressants, you know, you ' ll do great

  3. . . a few antidepressants, you know, you ' ll do great

  4. But why antidepressants ? i don ' t understand

  5. Then i have my antidepressants and my sleeping pills

  6. Valerian extract a tranquilizing, antispasmodic and analgesic, microcirculation, against myocardial ischemia and acute myocardial infarction narrow scope, anti - pulmonary edema, antidepressants, anti - bacterial and anti - tumor effects

  7. Such pharmacologic agents as antidepressants, belladonna alkaloids, opiates, and oral contraceptives may induce pruritus, even without producing a dermatitis

  8. Conventional treatments for insomnia include the use of bz and bz receptor - acting hypnotics ( e. g. zolpidem ), tricyclic antidepressants and antihistamines

    常見治療失眠的方法是使用苯二氮卓類藥物(例如zolpidem ) 、三環類抗抑鬱藥或抗組胺藥。
  9. Individuals taking certain medications such as lithium, tricyclic antidepressants, and neuroleptics and individuals with conditions such as diabetes or retinal degeneration should be monitored by an ophthalmologist

  10. Treatments for different anxiety disorders range from medication, including antidepressants and antianxiety drugs ; to psychotherapy, including cognitive - behavioral therapy ; to relaxation techniques and biofeedback

    針對不同的憂郁癥患者,治療的方法從藥物治療(包括抗憂郁、抗焦慮藥物) 、精神療法(包括認知行為療法) ,到放鬆技巧及生物反饋不等。
  11. The report cites 10 potential obesity risk factors in all, including : increased rates of older mothers, whose children may be more prone to excess weight gain ; a range of medications, such as antidepressants, which can promote weight gain ; and a decrease in smoking rates, because people often gain weight when they quit and the absence of nicotine, an appetite suppressant

    研究報告列舉了誘發肥胖的十大因素:大齡媽媽比例增加,她們的後代可能更容易超重;一些藥物會導致體重超標,如抗抑鬱病藥;煙民比例減少? ?尼古丁有抑制食慾的作用,所以吸煙者一旦戒煙會導致體重增加。
  12. Do ‘ multi - action ’ antidepressants provide a faster onset of action and better remission rates

  13. Citalopram is one of a class of antidepressants called ssris

  14. The findings, appearing in two studies in the new england journal of medicine, support doctors ' assurances that antidepressants are not a major cause of serious physical problems in newborns

  15. The most commonly implicated are antihypertensives and antidepressants. others include antianginals, analgesics, and sedatives

  16. Hot flashes may be helped by vitamin e or ssri antidepressants

  17. Happiness does not come via prescription drugs, although 10 percent of women 18 and older and 4 percent of men take antidepressants, according to the department of health and human services

    據美國「生活科學網站」 2月28日報道,美國衛生部的統計顯示,美國有10的18歲及18歲以上女性和4的男性在服用抗抑鬱藥。
  18. At stanford university, a team led by a psychiatrist has been studying whether antidepressants may help some shoppers get a grip on their obsessions

  19. They found that mothers who remembered being on antidepressants like zoloft, paxil or prozac while pregnant were at no higher risk for most defects than a control group of women who said they had not taken antidepressants

  20. Although stress is the chief factor behind tooth grinding, too much caffeine and alcohol and the use of antidepressants can also be to blame
