any 中文意思是什麼

音標 ['eni]
any 解釋
adj. 形容詞 1. 〈用於疑問句、否定句、條件子句中,或用於肯定句但與含有疑問、否定意義的詞連用〉什麼,一些,一點。
Have you any book to read 你有什麼可讀的書嗎? If there arise any difficulty, send for me. 有什麼麻煩找我好了。
I cannot see any difference. 我一點差別也看不出。
2. 〈通常重讀,多用於肯定句〉任何,隨便哪一個,每一個。
Any child knows that … 任何孩子都知道…。
You may call any day you please. 隨便哪天來都可以。
3. 一般的,普通的。
We don't accept just any students. 我們並不收一般的學生〈只收高材生〉。
You are not just any girl. 你和一般女子就是不一樣。
4. 〈與單數名詞連用,代替 a, an, one〉 一個。
pron. 代名詞 名詞 〈sing. , pl. 〉 哪個,無論哪個,任何,(無論)多少。
Choose any of these books. 這些書隨便挑哪本好了。
Do any of you know 你們當中,有誰知道嗎? Keep the apple, I don't want any. 把蘋果收起來,我不要吃。
A- is better than none. 有總比沒有好。
adv. 動詞 副詞 一些,少許,略微,稍微。
Is he any better today 他今天好些嗎? Did she cry any? 她一點沒有哭嗎? Any and every 統統,全體 (any and every book in this library 這個圖書館里的全部藏書)。
Any amount [number] 許多,很多 (「Have you any salt」 你有鹽嗎? 「Any amount. 」 啊,有的是)。
Any longer 再 (I don't drink any longer. 我不再喝酒了)。
Any more 再;更 (I won't smoke any more. 我不再抽煙了)。
Any old 任何…都 (A- old colour will do. 任何顏色都好)。
Any one 隨便哪一個 (You may take any one of these. 任擇其一)。
Any time 無論何時,隨便什麼時候 (You are welcome any time. 無論何時,你都受歡迎)。
At any cost 無論如何,必得,非要 (The stolen painting must be recovered at any cost. 無論如何要把被盜的畫找回來)。
At any rate 好歹,總之,無論如何;至少 (The firm has done much better this year than last at any rate, so I am told by one of the staff. 這家公司今年比去年好,至少我是聽一位職工這樣說的)。
If any 若有;即使有也(極少) (There is little (water), if any. 水嗎大概沒有)。
In any case 橫豎,總之 (In any case you had better hear what your wife has to say. 總之,你最好聽你妻子的話)。
Of any 在所有的…之中 (the biggest war of any since 1946 1946年以來最大的一次戰爭)。
Scarcely any 幾乎沒有,少有。

  1. He couldn't make any offers, for that might be pleaded in abatement of what damages a jury might be inclined to give.

  2. If i give you my help in this matter, you shall give me your ward marian, who is under shelter at kirklees with the abbess there, but is none the less yours to give to any man

  3. But the slap and the blessing stood him friend, says mr vincent, for to make up he taught him a trick worth two of the other so that maid, wife, abbess and widow to this day affirm that they would rather any time of the month whisper in his ear in the dark of a cowhouse or get a lick on the nape from his long holy tongue then lie with the finest strapping young ravisher in the four fields of all ireland

    文森特先生曰: 「作為補償,彼將力量相當于兩頭公牛之秘訣傳授下來。處女妻子女修道院院長與寡婦至今斷言,伊等與其跟愛爾蘭四片綠野130上最英俊強壯專門勾引女人之年輕小夥子睡覺,不如隨時都於幽暗牛棚中,對著牛耳囁嚅131 ,並希望彼用神聖的長舌舔自己的脖頸。 」
  4. Dose abc company have any ecial screening criteria

  5. Any aider and abetter will be liable to the same punishment

  6. Any aider and abetter will have the same punishment. " for enquiry on the employment of foreign domestic helpers, please contact the immigration department at : -

    市民就僱用外籍家庭傭工方面如有任何查詢,可致電2824 6111 ,或傳真2877 7711 ,或電郵至
  7. The captain told them, he would spare their lives, if they would give him any assurance of their abhorrence of the treachery they had been guilty of.

  8. It would not have been possible for abraham lincoln to have loved any mortal woman.

  9. The right of citizens of the united states to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the united states or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

  10. The government blamed a bomb attack on an army bus in colombo on the tigers, and said it would abrogate the truce, which had “ ceased to have any meaning ”

    當天在科倫坡發生了一起針對一輛運兵大巴的炸彈襲擊,政府指責猛虎組織應對此次事件負責,並且聲稱將廢除休戰協議,因為「它已經沒有任何意義了」 。
  11. The presence of any congenital anomaly, abruption, and cord complications were associated with antepartum stillbirth in both races

  12. Much as i abominate writing, i would not give up mr. collins s correspondence for any consideration

  13. That simply absolves the bank of any liability

  14. I had the common-sense to abstain from any word of excuse. i stood to be scorned.

  15. The bank shall, and shall have the persons retained by it, comply with the provisions of aby laws, regulations or orders now hereafter in force which purport to impose any dutied on the bank as the holder of any funds investment to give any notification or to take or refrain from taking any action

  16. He must accept any brief in the courts.

  17. I whispered to catherine that she mustn't, on any account, accede to the proposal.

  18. Design should incorporate provisions to avoid any accidental collapse of a bed full of solids.

  19. No more than 500 milliliters per bottle are used on any child to avoid accidental overload.

  20. His benevolent nature prevented him from refusing any beggar who accosted him.
