appert 中文意思是什麼

appert 解釋
  1. Such as you see me i am, a sort of philosopher, and one day perhaps i shall go to paris to rival monsieur appert, and the little man in the blue cloak.

    你以為我如此,實際上我是一個哲學家。有一天,或許我會到巴黎去,跟亞伯特閣下和穿藍色小外套的那個人作對。 」
  2. This innovation occurred during the napoleonic wars, largely in response to military exigencies, and is generally associated with nicolas appert, yet another figure unrecognized today except by historians of technology

  3. One could make the case, though, that the food sterilization process appert and others pioneered was ultimately to prove of greater importance to human history than anything the little corporal - napoleon - ever did
