arial 中文意思是什麼

arial 解釋
  1. Specifies a proportional font without serifs ; for example, arial

    指定不具有襯線的比例字體;例如arial 。
  2. Property to " arial ", the label uses the arial font

  3. [ b ] [ font = arial ] 2 east or west, home is best

  4. For example, the arial font family contains the following fonts

    例如, arial字體系列中包含以下字體:
  5. Font comes in families, such as times new roman or arial

    字體分為不同的系列,如timesnewroman或arial 。
  6. For example, arial narrow is a font family with the following members

    例如, arial narrow是包含以下成員的字體系列:
  7. Creates a string to measure and a font object set to arial 16 point

    創建要測量的字元串和設置為arial 16磅的字體對象。
  8. [ font = arial ] [ / font ] mom and dad : thank you for everything this holiday season

  9. The text is formatted in arial font if the browser supports fonts for controls

  10. [ b ] [ font = arial ] 4 where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts

  11. [ size = 14px ] [ font = verdana, arial, helvetica, sans - serif ] avoid negative people, places, things and habits

  12. [ font = arial ] [ color = orange ] full production of mg cars has edged closer at longbridge with the first batch of hand - built test sportscars produced

  13. [ font = arial ] [ size = 3 ] [ color = black ] the love which consists in this, that two solitudes protect and limit and great each other

  14. Arial bold italic gdi uses four styles to form families : regular, bold, italic, and bold italic

    Gdi +使用四種字形形成字體系列:常規、粗體、傾斜和粗斜體。
  15. The following example constructs a regular style arial font with a size of 16 pixels

  16. Font face = " arial black " color = # f709f7 size = 4 > 1 ) i love you not because of who you are, but because of who i am when i am with you

  17. [ b ] [ font = arial ] [ color = darkorange ] each time more people get tired of your animals and they condemn them the death abandoning in roads. a dog is not a toy

    當人們厭倦了自己的寵物,通常就把它們遺棄在大馬路邊,任其自生自滅。小狗可不是玩具啊,請尊重它們的生命! !
  18. The following code example demonstrates how to specify a blue background, red text, and arial font for the selected date in the control

  19. [ size = 2 ] [ font = arial ] the well of material rotates too quickly to be explained by the observed amount of gas. something else must serve as gravitational glue

  20. [ font = arial ] [ size = 2 ] [ font = arial ] the well of material rotates too quickly to be explained by the observed amount of gas. something else must serve as gravitational glue
