armon 中文意思是什麼

armon 解釋
  1. " i have been thinking about your dragon lords, " said armon. " were our situation not so desperate, i would never seriously consider it, but … " he sighed. " arvid and rashin are correct

    「我一直在想你所說的龍神」 ,艾蒙說, 「如果我們的處境不是這樣令人絕望,我是不會認真考慮這件事的,但是- - - - - - - - - 」他嘆了口氣, 「阿維德和拉申是對的,我沒有選擇,也沒有時間。 」
  2. Armon watched the shadow advance, moving across the plain like an inescapable tide

  3. The dragon lord smiled faintly, his silver - blue eyes burning into armon ?

  4. " who awakens the dragon ? " the man asked. his voice was soft and musical, reminding armon of moonlight on the high snows

    「誰在呼喚龍神? 」神秘人物問道。他的聲音很柔和動聽,富有音樂感,讓艾蒙想起了雪原上的月光。
  5. Thunder rumbled overhead, though the sky was cloudless and blue. ryel, making his presence known, armon thought, as though the vast black shadow advancing toward lesslyn were not enough

  6. Armon chuckled. " the dragon lords have been silent for a thousand years.

    艾蒙輕聲地笑了。 「龍神已經沉寂了一千年了。 」
  7. " king armon, " said a small man with silver hair and watery blue eyes. " how goes the battle ?

    「艾蒙陛下, 」一個眼珠子淡綠色留著銀白鬍子的小個子男人問道: 「戰爭進行得怎麼樣了? 」
  8. As the torches sputtered to life, armon gasped

  9. Armon looked at his son with surprise. " you ? how ?

    艾蒙驚訝的看著他的兒子。 「你?你怎麼知道的? 」
  10. Armon stared at the mural and nodded

  11. Armon looked tired, the strain of constantly maintaining the wards showing in his eyes

  12. The voice interrupted armon ' s reverie. " he has not won yet, " he countered, shaking his head

    這個聲音打斷了艾蒙的沉思。 「但他還沒有贏。 」他反駁自己道,搖了搖頭。
  13. It was so lifelike armon could almost feel the power of its wings, carrying it on the wild winds

  14. Armon ' s son lowered his eyes. " no, father. the duke of andrath and the earl of myrin seek audience.

    艾蒙的兒子低下了頭。 「不,爸爸。安德拉斯公爵和梅因伯爵在接見群眾。 」
  15. A breath of wind caused the torches to flicker, and armon felt a chill run through him as the image on the mural began to waver and melt
