articulated concept 中文意思是什麼

articulated concept 解釋
  1. In english, the first quote could be translated as discharge your livelihood matters respectfully, do your duties with reverence, treat others with a loyal heart ; these you should not forsake even while living among barbarians. and the second as the virtuous man is morally alert even while alone. however, confucius and the many sages after him dwelled mostly on personal and political morality ; absent is a well - articulated concept of business ethics

    這里信手拈來孔子和其弟子的一些道德訓條: "居處恭、執事敬、與人忠,雖之夷狄不可棄" ,還有"君子慎其獨" 。不過,無論是孔子還是后來的聖賢,他們所倡議的道德規范,多與個人和政治有關,至於明確的商業道德概念,卻付諸闕如。這點不足為奇。
  2. Many humanists, atheists and agnostics, whilst rejecting the concept of god, and therefore of the divinity of christ, nevertheless respect and admire the humanity of christ ' s teachings and have empathy with the moral principles articulated in ( for example ) the sermon on the mount
